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New posts in alias

In Perl, is there any difference between direct glob aliasing and aliasing via the stash?

perl alias typeglob perl-stash

Spaces in Cygwin/bash aliases?

bash cygwin alias

PowerShell mkdir alias + Set-StrictMode -Version 2. Strange bug. Why?

powershell alias mkdir

How to make Emacs 's shell mode source my profile file?

bash shell emacs alias zsh

Set alias with quotes and double quotes in command [duplicate]

linux bash shell alias

git alias with optional parameter

git parameters alias

Global Import/using Aliasing in .NET

Using tmux loses all my bash aliases, how can I get them to stay?

bash rvm alias tmux

Alias for function

c# function winapi alias extern

Is there a way to check if two objects are aliased in Java?

java pointers alias

Can I use aliases in an INSERT statement?

mysql insert alias

Divide count by count(*) in SQL Server

Grails Criteria projections on joined table

How to define a DOSKEY alias for multiple commands?

Understanding Oracle aliasing - why isn't an alias not recognized in a query unless wrapped in a second query?

sql oracle plsql alias

bash_aliases and awk escaping of quotes

bash awk alias quote

keytool -list shows different aliases for p12 keystore, depending on whether you provide the password

How to write an ipython alias which executes in python instead of shell?

Bash function calling command given as argument

bash eval alias

Aliasing this in scala with self =>

scala this alias self