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New posts in ipython-magic

How to use %%timeit cell magic and exclude setup code?

Connecting to SQL Server via SQL magics in Jupyter Lab

ipython %store magic not working

Define a IPython magic which replaces the content of the next cell

IPython %run magic -n switch not working

how does IPython magics work

How do I define custom magics in jupyter?

How do I provide inline input to an IPython (notebook) shell command?

Installing a jupyter notebook extension

Using magic commands outside of Interactive Shell in IPython

IPython notebook with optirun

Make IPython Import What I Mean

When using magic %paste in ipython, how can i get it to just paste the copied code, rather than paste and execute, so that it can be edited

ipython paste ipython-magic

How %load_ext work in ipython

How to run IPython script from the command line - syntax error with magic functions, %

ipython ipython-magic

Cython ipython magic with compile time environmental variables

How to auto complete in an iPython notebook while on ipdb?

Save an IPython notebook programmatically from within itself?