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Preload Model Associations On Find

Can ActiveResource models integrate with ActiveRecord models?

Eager loading last subordinate record

ruby/rails NoMethodError? when using custom validation method

validates_presence_of in a module

Changing ActiveRecord attribute value in before_save hook

Rails find all with association

Complex queries using Rails query language

ruby on rails does update_attributes protect against sql injection?

In Rails, how to get the actual Query when an ActiveRecord query executes

Rails 3: Is there a `AR#or_where`?

how to generate active record models from database

ruby database activerecord

Is there something like ActiveRecord::Migration for .NET?

.net tsql activerecord

ActiveRecord and using reject method

ActiveRecord query: order by a sum on an included model

finding where by using IN operator in rails3

Does after_commit actually run?

Subclassing activerecord and maintain subclass after db fetch

Why undefined method "has_many" in Rspec example?

activerecord rspec

Rails Active Record: Calling Build Method Should Not Save To Database Before Calling Save Method