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Rails 3 and Rspec: counter cache column being updated to 2 when expected 1

Get extra information from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in Rails

ActiveRecord query

Why is Foo.first returning the last record?

Table join sql to rails active record query

disable query logging in rails 3.2.x for development?

Why ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid cannot be rescued in this Rails method?

Rails STI overriding scopes

ActiveRecord query using multiple conditions

flush or reset codeigniter active records without execute after build?

codeigniter activerecord

Rails "where" clause for associations

Rails ActiveRecord CounterCache and Callbacks

How to store array in attribute of ActiveRecord model?

How to get this postgres group by date count include days with 0

Single Table Inheritance not working in Rails 4 app - ActiveRecord::SubclassNotFound: The single-table inheritance mechanism failed

Rails using ActiveRecord "where" when parameter takes an Array

Force load association on model instance

Rails scope filtering elements with no has_many associated elements

Rails: Find what is the Oldest Item in a Table

Group function in belongs_to association rails