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Preload Model Associations On Find

Right now I am trying to call my model, and spit out its results into json/xml format. My only problem is, my database associations aren't being loaded or queried.

Normally, I can just run this

@campaign = Campaign.find(:all)

Then get the number of hits by calling, @campaign[0].hits through the has_many :hits.

But if you debug the output, it only calls the columns on the table. How would you go about having it put it alongside your query?

In example:

    <created-at type="timestamp">2009-01-24 14:49:02 -0800</created-at>
    <end-at type="date">2009-01-24</end-at>
    <id type="integer">14</id>
    <is-watched type="integer">1</is-watched>
    <start-at type="date">2009-01-24</start-at>
    <user-id type="integer">5</user-id>

Then having it instead add another column, but witht he number of hits.

    <created-at type="timestamp">2009-01-24 14:49:02 -0800</created-at>
    <end-at type="date">2009-01-24</end-at>
    <id type="integer">14</id>
    <is-watched type="integer">1</is-watched>
    <start-at type="date">2009-01-24</start-at>
    <user-id type="integer">5</user-id>
    <hits type="integer">123412</hits>
like image 742
Garrett Avatar asked Mar 01 '23 01:03


1 Answers

The ActiveRecord find() family takes an :include option which allows you to eager load your associatons.

So all you need to do is:

@campaign = Campaign.find(:all, :include => :hits)

The above will eager load your database calls so that accessing each index [0]. [1], etc wont issue their own SELECT calls. When you call


Then it will NOT include any associations, such as "hits" to do that then you also need to :include it on the to_json call, e.g.

@campaign[0].to_json(:include => :hits)

like image 51
Cody Caughlan Avatar answered Mar 05 '23 14:03

Cody Caughlan