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New posts in actionbarsherlock

How I can add Edit Text field and button in ActionBar?

robotium - clicking on action bar tabs

Hide menu items when ActionLayout is opened

Robolectric: How can I test an activity that contains a SherlockFragment?

Android Studio Pre Dexing fails

DrawerLayout and ActionBarDrawerToggle cannot be resolved to a type

android actionbarsherlock

Action bar overflow not displayed

Switching to ActionBarCompat, but have theme related build errors

ViewPagerIndicator does not display title text

Adding ActonBarSherlock in Android Studio

onCreate called after onActivityResult when I pick picture from gallery

Remove actionbar item blue background

My Android XML files can't find ActionBarSherlock themes

Applying shadow and text color for Title and Menu Item in Sherlock Action bar

java.lang.RuntimeException Theme.Sherlock

osmdroid, Maps API v2, and fragments

ActionBar setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility(false) is not working on android 2.3

Show Hide Sherlock Action Bar

android actionbarsherlock

Close the searchview if tab position get changed or by calling onPageChangeListener

Theme Programmatically set. How to reload Activity to apply