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New posts in actionbarsherlock

OptionsMenu of Nested Fragments within ViewPager

Actionbarsherlock - change actionbar line colour

ActionBarSherlock items not appearing in overflow

android actionbarsherlock

android kill specific thread on action bar event

Gradle fails to build ActionBarSherlock

ActionBarCompat on Gingerbread fills whole screen

ActionBarSherlock: how to access home button view?

Using ActionBarSherlock & ViewPagerIndicator Synchronously Will Not Compile

Sherlock action bar change text color

android actionbarsherlock

Fragment within Tab Activity losing all data when rotating?

9 patch converted to gradient

EditText does not accept digits as input

Android Action Bar tabs - inner fragment transaction issues

How do I pass along context from MenuItem onOptionsItemSelected to ASyncTask?

How to make this simple dialog fragment semi-transparent

Custom actionbar layout with overflow menu

findViewById returns null when searching for elements in the actionbar on android 3.2

Change line color in tabs - ActionBarSherlock

How to change the color of TabIndicater in PagerTabStrip

SlidingMenu Library with ActionBarSherlock