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New posts in actionbarsherlock

ActionBar Lag in hiding title

ICS Spinner ("drop-down" rather than dialog) in older Android versions

How to distinguish two menu item clicks in ActionBarSherlock?

Sherlock Actionbar invalidateOptionsMenu()

Android ActionBarSherlock, SearchView `setOnCloseListener` is not working

Programmatically switch tabs in Android using ActionBarSherlock

Change ActionBar Menu Icons depending on Style

Overriding onContextItemSelected() in ActionBarSherlock

android actionbarsherlock

How to add progressbar to ActionBarSherlock

android actionbarsherlock

Overflow Actions on ActionBar not showing

ActionBarSherlock SearchView cast error

onCreateOptionsMenu called before onCreate android

Obfuscating ActionBarSherlock with Proguard

Change the actionbar homeAsUpIndicator Programmatically

package com.actionbarsherlock.app does not exist

ActionBarSherlock + Google Maps API v2 Duplicate Id