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how to do that when i click on the map, the marker disappeared?


find out current position in OSMdroid

android osmdroid

How to make 161 meter / 528ft circles on with OSMDROID?

geometry osmdroid markers

Osmdroid. onItemSingleTapUp not works for custom Drawable

Osmdroid and Pinch

OSMDroid: Adding a marker when user taps on map

android osmdroid

OSMDroid loads tiles extremely slowly

Creating an offline map on Android

java android eclipse osmdroid

Buttons over Mapview

OsmDroid and MapQuest: How can I use JPEG tiles?

OSMBonusPack: Check whether my GeoPoint is inside Polygon or not

android osmdroid

Is there an alternative to OSMDROID?

android osmdroid

Limit Scrolling on offline maps, in Android

open street maps (osmdroid) shows grey tiles not map in PC

Osmdroid maps not loading on my device

How to use leaflet "openstreetmap" with flutter?

Restricting the area the user can go to on Mapview