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New posts in action-filter

Why do I always get the same IP when getting Request.UserHostAddress in WebAPI custom action filter?

Why does this code return "Specified method is not supported."

How to use ActionFilterAttribute to log running times?

MVC using Action Filter to check for parameters in URL. stop action from executing

How can I get the function/action name that custom attribute is attached to while it is executing?

Check ModelState in action filter

What is the order of execution when dealing with .NET MVC 2 Action Filters?

CompressFilter conflicting with ExceptionHandlerFilter in asp.net MVC

How do I UnitTest a custom ActionFilter?

OutputCache and a custom gzip compression filter

Autofac is not filling action filter property

Authorize filters vs Action Filters

Changing filterContext.Result in OnResultExecuting

Use cached data on an action filter, to avoid another execution of an action

asp.net-mvc action-filter

Get Filter to execute before model validation

Can I return an action result from an action filter?

ASP.NET MVC, ActionFilters, static classes and passing data around

Area-global filters in MVC 3

How do the httppost, httpput etc attributes in ASP.NET MVC 2 work?