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Autofac is not filling action filter property

I have an action filter in an ASP.NET MVC 3 app that needs some dependencies injected into it. I am using Autofac.Mvc3 as the dependency injector.

According to the autofac wiki I just have to register the types that I want to inject, call RegisterFilterProvider, and put a public property on my action filter, and then autofac will fill the property with the right object during filter instantiation.

Here is a part of my action filter:

Public Class LogActionAttribute
    Inherits ActionFilterAttribute

    Property tracer As TraceSource

    Public Overrides Sub OnActionExecuting(filterContext As System.Web.Mvc.ActionExecutingContext)
    End Sub
End Class

Here is a part of my global.asax:

Public Class MvcApplication
    Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication

    Shared Sub RegisterGlobalFilters(ByVal filters As GlobalFilterCollection)
        filters.Add(New MyHandleErrorAttribute)
        filters.Add(New LogActionAttribute)
    End Sub

    Sub Application_Start()
    End Sub

    Protected Shared Sub InitSettingRepoEtc()
        Dim builder = New ContainerBuilder
        builder.Register(Of TraceSource)(
            Function(x) New TraceSource("requests", SourceLevels.All)).InstancePerHttpRequest()
        Dim container = builder.Build
        DependencyResolver.SetResolver(New AutofacDependencyResolver(container))
    End Sub
End Class

I have put breakpoint right after SetResolver and in the immediate window tried:

DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(Of TraceSource)

And I successfully got a TraceSource object from autofac, so the registration seems to be OK.

But during OnActionExecuting my tracer property is empty.

What did I miss?

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Endy Tjahjono Avatar asked Apr 11 '12 12:04

Endy Tjahjono

1 Answers

IIRC the provider doesn't work with 'global' filters.

Remove this function:

Shared Sub RegisterGlobalFilters(ByVal filters As GlobalFilterCollection)
    filters.Add(New MyHandleErrorAttribute)
    filters.Add(New LogActionAttribute)
End Sub

And instead, register the global filters with Autofac directly:

 builder.Register(Of MyHandleErrorAttribute)
     .As(Of IActionFilter)

 builder.Register(Of LogActionAttribute)
     .As(Of IActionFilter)

Autofac will create the filters and include them appropriately. The advantage of this approach is that you can refactor so the filters are not attribute-derived, and then use constructor rather than property injection.

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Nicholas Blumhardt Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 11:10

Nicholas Blumhardt