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New posts in abstract-factory

Do Abstract Factories use "new"?

Castle Windsor Typed Factory Facility equivalents

Unit testing an abstract factory that takes parameters

How to test an Activity that uses a ContentProvider without affecting production database?

Working with Abstract Factory that is injected through DI container

Why is factory method a class pattern, while an abstract factory an object pattern?

Factory implemented with static method

Why does Abstract Factory use abstract class instead of interface?

AbstractFactory Versus Bridge Pattern

Dependency Injection with Ninject, MVC 3 and using the Service Locator Pattern

Abstract Factory, Factory Method, Builder

What is the differences between facade pattern and abstarct factory pattern? [closed]

Avoiding all DI antipatterns for types requiring asynchronous initialization

Is the Service Locator pattern any different from the Abstract Factory pattern?

Factory, Abstract Factory and Factory Method

Abstract factory pattern [closed]

Why do we need Abstract factory design pattern?

Design Patterns: Abstract Factory vs Factory Method

What is the difference between Factory and Strategy patterns?

What is the basic difference between the Factory and Abstract Factory Design Patterns? [closed]