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New posts in .net-assembly

Method does not have an implementation when loading assemblies into a new AppDomain in ReflectionOnly mode

Assembly cannot find referenced assembly when compiled to memory with CodeDomProvider

Calling an x64 assembly via COM from a 32 bit App

c# .net com .net-assembly

Visual Studio won't find class in separate .cs file

PowerShell Binary Module assembly dependency error

What is the "<Module>" type?

Namespace System.Web.Http.Results not found within asp.net web api application

xamarin component failed to resolve assembly

Creating a DLL Assembly with constants

Error: "Assembly with name 'UnityEditor.StandardEvents' already exists (Packages/com.unity.standardevents/Editor/Editor.asmdef)"

How to use ICLRStrongName::StrongNameSignatureVerificationEx Method to identify delay signed assemblies

c# .net .net-assembly

Visual Studio Page Inspector Assembly not found

Xamarin Forms IOS Failed to load assembly System.Net.Http.Primitive

What is best practise when instantiating a Castle Windsor container in a class library? [duplicate]

Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed' or one of its dependencies

.net json.net .net-assembly

List of classes in an assembly

Preload all assemblies (JIT)

Turn off warning CS1607

c# .net-assembly

getting the full name of an assembly

c# .net-assembly