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New posts in .net-assembly

What is a reference profile and its purpose?

.net .net-assembly

How to load assemblies to the current app domain to the c# project dynamically?

c# .net .net-assembly

Assembly file renaming and Assembly.LoadFile

c# file-io clr .net-assembly

Load latest assembly version dynamically from GAC

StructureMap: 'AddAllTypesOf' not adding assembly to ObjectFactory?

Reading from an assembly with embedded resources

After Unloading AppDomain all assemblies are released EXCEPT ONE

c# .net-assembly appdomain

Use C# exe to modify resources of a different C# exe

c# resources .net-assembly

After Computer crash VS 2013 is not loading 'Antlr3.Runtime' assembly

Getting path of a file in a wcf service assembly

ILMerge assembly not merged in correctly

Loading assemblies as modules/plugins while avoiding duplication and fragility

How can I get a portion of my C# app to load dynamically without app restart?

Missing msdatasrc assembly reference

Are embedded resources in a .NET Assembly loaded from disk or from memory at runtime?

Edit .NET assembly and recompile

Newtonsoft Json.NET version incompatibility (DLL hell)

ASP .NET CORE could not find file or assembly with custom assembly

What is the format of `*.ni.dll.aux` files?

How to add PNG resource in Visual Studio 2010?