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New posts in .net-2.0

Faster way to clone

Why am I getting "call to OpenGL ES API with no current context"?

android .net-2.0 opengl-es

CLR Profiler - Attaching to existing process

memory .net-2.0 clr profiler

get object type and assign values accordingly

c# .net .net-2.0

Store 'this' at finalization

"Thread was being aborted" exception whilst displaying dialog

Serialize in a human readable text format

c# .net serialization .net-2.0

C# How do you get the operating system architecture (x86 or x64)? [duplicate]

c# windows .net-2.0 x86 64-bit

How to test a remoting connection (check state)

c# .net .net-2.0 remoting

Is it possible to iterate over two IEnumerable objects at the same time?

What is the best way to cast from ArrayList to List in .Net 2.0

c# .net-2.0

If an assembly is in the GAC, do all assemblies that it calls have to be in the GAC too?

How can my program determine if it is running on 32-bit or 64-bit Windows?

ArrayList to int[] in c#

c# asp.net .net-2.0

Ways to speed up build time? (C#/Unmanaged C++)

What is the best way to sort an IList<T> in .Net 2.0?

.net .net-2.0

Building dynamic links with Repeater control

asp.net .net-2.0 repeater

Is there a way to FAKE inheritance in C#/VB.NET?

c# vb.net .net-2.0

Convert IEnumerable to List<string> in .net 2.0

c# .net-2.0 ienumerable

The difference between implicit and explicit delegate creation (with and without generics)