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How to test a remoting connection (check state)

I have an object created in a host application and can access it remotely using remoting, is there any way I can test the connection to ensure it is still "alive"? Maybe an event I can use that fires if the remoting connection gets disconnected, or some property that can tell me the state of the remoting connection. Is there something like this available?

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Jeremy Avatar asked Nov 13 '08 17:11


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1 Answers

I generally add another method to the remoting server MarshallByRef class, (I generally name it Ping(), as in:

 public void Ping() {} 

that does nothing, and returns nothing.. Then to "test" my connection, I call this method... If it throws a System.Net.Sockets.Exception, I have lost the connection....

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Charles Bretana Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 19:09

Charles Bretana