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New posts in .net-2.0

Casting IEnumerable<Derived> to IEnumerable<BaseClass>

C# call a static method at runtime without a build time reference?

c# .net .net-2.0

Is there a way to extract .NET 2.0 from the .NET 3.5?

How to use Not In datatable.select

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problem with TextRenderer.MeasureText

How to convert IList<string> to a string[] without using Linq

c# .net .net-2.0

WebResource.axd error - "This is an invalid webresource request."

Do .NET 3/4 Permits Events to be Binary De/Serialized?

Is there a way to disable .NET browser detection?

asp.net browser .net-2.0

Designing forms to work on different resolutions and aspect ratios on Windows CE

Can I reference a .NET 3.5 .DLL in a 4.0 app?

asp.net: Iterating over multiple repeater.items collections

How can I prevent unauthorized code from accessing my assembly in .NET 2.0?

How to mock DirectoryInfo class?

c# mocking .net-2.0

Debug C# dll from C++ solution via COM

Request.UrlReferrer is NULL for HTTPS

Math.IEEERemainder returns negative results. Why?

.net .net-2.0

Winform user authorization via active directory

calling new SqlConnection() hangs program

c# .net .net-2.0 sqlconnection

Capturing nslookup shell output with C#

c# shell .net-2.0 nslookup