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Why dig does not resolve K8s service by dns name while nslookup has no problems with it?

Linux Command for a Raw DNS Response

linux dns command nslookup

Nslookup or dig in Google App Script

Getting IP addresses for hostnames using nslookup in Powershell

Powershell: how to get rid of CMD output while assigning a variable (nslookup)

Why dig command is returning only one IP address of google.com?

networking dns nslookup dig

Getting all IP addresses of a hostname

perl nslookup

Kubernetes DNS lookg not working from worker node - connection timed out; no servers could be reached

kubernetes dns nslookup

Is there an equivalent function of nslookup command in node.js?

node.js dns nslookup

Capturing nslookup shell output with C#

c# shell .net-2.0 nslookup

Is there a unix command to retrieve NS records from domain?

bash dns hostname nslookup

How should I interpret a "Can't find..." from nslookup inside a Docker busybox container?

docker nslookup

First DNS Lookup always fails

dns nslookup

How to perform "nslookup host server"

c# api nslookup

Most efficient way to programmatically determine if a web domain is available?

Reverse DNS lookup in perl

nslookup reported "can't resolve '(null)': Name does not resolve" though it successfully resolved the DNS names

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Reverse DNS in Ruby?

ruby sockets dns nslookup

Why golang Lookup*** function can't provide a server parameter?

go dns nslookup