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Random selection of a member's location in a nested cell of cells: Matlab

I have a nested cell of cells like the one below:

CellArray={1,1,1,{1,1,1,{1,1,{1,{1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1}, 1,1},1,1},1,1,1},1,1,1,{1,1,1,1}};

I need to randomly pick a location in CellArray. All members' locations of CellArray must have same chances to be chosen in the random selection process. Thanks.

like image 520
Zander Avatar asked Aug 17 '17 02:08


People also ask

How do you access the elements of a cell array in Matlab?

There are two ways to refer to the elements of a cell array. Enclose indices in smooth parentheses, () , to refer to sets of cells--for example, to define a subset of the array. Enclose indices in curly braces, {} , to refer to the text, numbers, or other data within individual cells.

What is cell2mat in Matlab?

A = cell2mat( C ) converts a cell array into an ordinary array. The elements of the cell array must all contain the same data type, and the resulting array is of that data type. The contents of C must support concatenation into an N-dimensional rectangle. Otherwise, the results are undefined.

What is a nested cell array in Matlab?

Nesting Cell Arrays (Cells that contain noncell data are called leaf cells.) You can use nested curly braces, the cell function, or direct assignment statements to create nested cell arrays. You can then access and manipulate individual cells, subarrays of cells, or cell elements.

1 Answers

You can capture the output of the celldisp function. Then use regex to extrcat indices:

m = regexp(s, '\{[^\=]*\}', 'match');
  • Thanks to @excaza that suggested a clearer use of regexp


m =
  [1,1] = {1}
  [1,2] = {2}
  [1,3] = {3}
  [1,4] = {4}{1}
  [1,5] = {4}{2}
  [1,6] = {4}{3}
  [1,7] = {4}{4}{1}
  [1,8] = {4}{4}{2}
  [1,9] = {4}{4}{3}{1}
  [1,10] = {4}{4}{3}{2}{1}
  [1,11] = {4}{4}{3}{2}{2}
  [1,12] = {4}{4}{3}{2}{3}
  [1,13] = {4}{4}{3}{2}{4}
  [1,14] = {4}{4}{3}{2}{5}
  [1,15] = {4}{4}{3}{2}{6}
  [1,16] = {4}{4}{3}{2}{7}
  [1,17] = {4}{4}{3}{2}{8}
  [1,18] = {4}{4}{3}{3}
  [1,19] = {4}{4}{3}{4}
  [1,20] = {4}{4}{4}
  [1,21] = {4}{4}{5}
  [1,22] = {4}{5}
  [1,23] = {4}{6}
  [1,24] = {4}{7}
  [1,25] = {5}
  [1,26] = {6}
  [1,27] = {7}
  [1,28] = {8}{1}
  [1,29] = {8}{2}
  [1,30] = {8}{3}
  [1,31] = {8}{4}

Use randi to select an index:

like image 70
rahnema1 Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09
