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Is there a Matlab's buffer equivalent in numpy?

I see there is an array_split and split methods but these are not very handy when you have to split an array of length which is not integer multiple of the chunk size. Moreover, these method’s input is the number of slices rather than the slice size. I need something more like Matlab's buffer method which is more suitable for signal processing.

For example, if I want to buffer a signals to chunks of size 60 I need to do: np.vstack(np.hsplit(x.iloc[0:((len(x)//60)*60)], len(x)//60)) which is cumbersome.

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Hanan Shteingart Avatar asked Jul 19 '16 08:07

Hanan Shteingart

3 Answers

I wrote the following routine to handle the use cases I needed, but I have not implemented/tested for "underlap".

Please feel free to make suggestions for improvement.

def buffer(X, n, p=0, opt=None):
    '''Mimic MATLAB routine to generate buffer array

    MATLAB docs here: https://se.mathworks.com/help/signal/ref/buffer.html

    x: ndarray
        Signal array
    n: int
        Number of data segments
    p: int
        Number of values to overlap
    opt: str
        Initial condition options. default sets the first `p` values to zero,
        while 'nodelay' begins filling the buffer immediately.

    result : (n,n) ndarray
        Buffer array created from X
    import numpy as np

    if opt not in [None, 'nodelay']:
        raise ValueError('{} not implemented'.format(opt))

    i = 0
    first_iter = True
    while i < len(X):
        if first_iter:
            if opt == 'nodelay':
                # No zeros at array start
                result = X[:n]
                i = n
                # Start with `p` zeros
                result = np.hstack([np.zeros(p), X[:n-p]])
                i = n-p
            # Make 2D array and pivot
            result = np.expand_dims(result, axis=0).T
            first_iter = False

        # Create next column, add `p` results from last col if given
        col = X[i:i+(n-p)]
        if p != 0:
            col = np.hstack([result[:,-1][-p:], col])
        i += n-p

        # Append zeros if last row and not length `n`
        if len(col) < n:
            col = np.hstack([col, np.zeros(n-len(col))])

        # Combine result with next row
        result = np.hstack([result, np.expand_dims(col, axis=0).T])

    return result
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ryanjdillon Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10


def buffer(X = np.array([]), n = 1, p = 0):
    #buffers data vector X into length n column vectors with overlap p
    #excess data at the end of X is discarded
    n = int(n) #length of each data vector
    p = int(p) #overlap of data vectors, 0 <= p < n-1
    L = len(X) #length of data to be buffered
    m = int(np.floor((L-n)/(n-p)) + 1) #number of sample vectors (no padding)
    data = np.zeros([n,m]) #initialize data matrix
    for startIndex,column in zip(range(0,L-n,n-p),range(0,m)):
        data[:,column] = X[startIndex:startIndex + n] #fill in by column
    return data
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Andrzej May Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10

Andrzej May

This Keras function may be considered as a Python equivalent of MATLAB Buffer().

See the Sample Code :

import numpy as np
S = np.arange(1,99) #A Demo Array

See Output Here

import tensorflow.keras.preprocessing as kp
list(kp.timeseries_dataset_from_array(S, targets = None,sequence_length=7,sequence_stride=7,batch_size=5))

See the Buffered Array Output Here

Reference : See This

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Ambarish Chandurkar Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10

Ambarish Chandurkar