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Find and replace the rows of an array having repeated number by a fixed given row





I have a matrix having rows with repeated numbers. I want to find those rows and replace them with a dummy row so as to keep the number of rows of the matrix constant.

Dummy_row = [1 2 3]

(5x3) Matrix A

A = [2 3 6;
     4 7 4;
     8 7 2;
     1 3 1;
     7 8 2]

(5x3) Matrix new_A

new_A = [2 3 6;
         1 2 3;
         8 7 2;
         1 2 3;
         7 8 2]

I tried the following which deleted the rows having repeated numbers.

y = [1 2 3]
w = sort(A,2)
v = all(diff(t,1,2)~=0|w(:,1:2)==0,2)  %  When v is zero, the row has repeated numbers
z = A(w,:)

Can you please help?

like image 839
Amit Sookun Avatar asked Dec 14 '14 20:12

Amit Sookun

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2 Answers

bsxfun based solution -

%// Create a row mask of the elements that are to be edited
mask = any(sum(bsxfun(@eq,A,permute(A,[1 3 2])),2)>1,3);

%// Setup output variable and set to-be-edited rows as copies of [1 2 3]
new_A = A;
new_A(mask,:) = repmat(Dummy_row,sum(mask),1)

Code run -

A =
     2     3     6
     4     7     4
     8     7     2
     1     3     1
     7     8     2
new_A =
     2     3     6
     1     2     3
     8     7     2
     1     2     3
     7     8     2
like image 73
Divakar Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 06:09


You could use the following:

hasRepeatingNums = any(diff(sort(A, 2), 1, 2)==0, 2); 
A(hasRepeatingNums,:) = repmat(Dummy_row, nnz(hasRepeatingNums), 1);
like image 30
knedlsepp Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 07:09
