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New Itunes connect : Submitting app for review [closed]

I am trying to submit a new version of my existing app in itunes connect but I am having difficulties. So I uploaded my build like usual and upload done. I went into pre-release and saw the status processing. This was 12 hours ago, now though it has changed from processing to inactive. I ignored that and went and chose the build anyways and clicked on "Submit for Review"

I get an error saying You must submit your builds using Xcode 5.1.1 or later, or Application Loader 2.9.1 or later. After you’ve submitted a build, select it in the Builds section below.

But I did submit a build using Xcode 6 seed version. I also tried to upload the build again but I get an error saying that a buid already exists. I figured I will try to delete the build, from the pre-release tab and try to upload a new build but I cant find a way to do this.

Makes me think it has something to do with the inactive status of the build. Is anybody else having this issue?

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nupac Avatar asked Sep 13 '14 02:09


People also ask

How long does Apple take to review an app 2021?

On average, 90% of submissions are reviewed in less than 24 hours. You'll be notified by email of status changes. You can also check the review status of your submission in the My Apps section of App Store Connect or on the App Store Connect app for iPhone and iPad.

How do I fix a review loop on iTunes?

Sign out of the App Store by going to Settings - Your name - Media & Purchases - Sign out. Then, restart your device, and go back to the Settings and sign back in to the App Store. Next, try to download an app again. This time it should work and the sign in loop should stop.

What is waiting for review in App Store Connect?

Waiting for review means that apple team will review your app before allowing you to submit on TestFlight for public testing. It will take around 24~48 hours for them to review your app. After if your app is approved, you can submit on TestFlight and create public link for anyone with the link as tester.

2 Answers

Okay So I was able to submit my app for review. I guess you cannot wait too much after you submit your build. I have no proof of this but I think if your build is inactive, you cannot use that build to submit an app. Here is what I did to solve my issue

  1. In xcode I changed the build version, not the app version,
  2. Archive and validate
  3. Submit
  4. While the build was still "Processing", I went back to my apps new version page on iTunes Connect
  5. Choose the new build and submit for review.

Dont let the build become inactive.

Good luck

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nupac Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 10:11


I was having the same issue. I followed the guy above's advice. Here's exactly what I did to get it to work:

  1. In iTunes Connect, remove the current build.
  2. In Xcode, change the build (not version) number to something else. I just picked "3".
  3. In Xcode, go to Product -> Archive Note: If this is greyed out, ensure that you select "iOS Device" instead of a different simulator or connected hardware for testing
  4. In the Organizer - Archives window, click Validate, then click Distribute
  5. In the Organizer - Archives window, delete your previously submitted archive
  6. Go back to iTunes Connect, refresh, and select the new build with the updated version number
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user3444710 Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 12:11
