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Itunes Connect status Pending Contract [closed]

to Itunes Connect I have a status of "Pending Contract". In the menu Contracts, Tax, and Banking is the contract for this app not visible. Do I need to be active in this status?.

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carlie Avatar asked Apr 09 '14 15:04


People also ask

What is a pending agreement?

adj postpositive. 2 not yet decided, confirmed, or finished.

Why do I need to accept a paid applications contract when updating my free apps?

The Paid Applications Schedule Agreement allows Apple to update and release paid apps through your developer account. You are seeing this agreement because the Account Holder of your Apple Developer Account requested this agreement from Apple. This contract is only important if you have a paid app.

1 Answers

Click on "Agreements, Tax, and Banking" in itunesConnect then request and sign the appropriate contracts. Then you're good to go.

like image 158
zooster Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 19:10
