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iTunes app name taken

The name of my iOS app is already taken for English US.

I've noticed that I am able to use the name that I would like to if I make the default language English UK or English CA instead of English US.

Will setting the default language to English UK or English CA, and not having an English US langauge not allow the app to be visible in the US? Are there any other workarounds that I could use to make it so I could use the app name that I would like to for the US app store?

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Mark Avatar asked May 22 '15 01:05


People also ask

Can two apps have the same name in Apple Store?

Two iOS apps currently can not have the same App store name (as entered in iTunes Connect), nor the same bundle ID suffix. They can, however, have the same name under the icon (the Bundle Display Name as entered in the app's plist).

How do I know if an app name is available?

Go to the Google Play Store for Apps. Search by app name. Click the result for your app.

2 Answers

As an option, you can use some long app name as iTunesConnect name e.g. ("Documents 5 - Fast PDF reader, media player and download manager", "Lifesum - Join the health movement").

This name is used on the app store page and defined on iTunesConnect when you upload the app.

The name of your binary is in your Project Setting (Bundle display name) and there you can use shorter name of your app (refering to previous example will be: "Documents" and "Lifesum").

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keyv Avatar answered Nov 25 '22 16:11


If you could use English UK or CA instead of US in order to achieve desired name of your App then go for it. Your app will not be invisible from US App Store. Until and unless you restrict your app visibility from some countries which obviously you shouldn't do when configuring your App for submission.

For submission details see below links:

  • Publishing to the App Store
  • Build and Publish Your iOS App to the App Store
  • How To Submit an iOS App to the App Store
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Brave Heart Avatar answered Nov 25 '22 15:11

Brave Heart