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Does iTunes Connect offer API for managing external testers from tools?

iTunes Connect provides a browser-based UI for adding and removing external testers for apps that are in beta test, using Apple's new version of Test Flight.

Is there a way to access this functionality without using the web UI -- for instance, with a command line tool?

It seems like Apple doesn't provide an official API for accessing iTunes Connect programmatically. But a little googling suggests that iTunes Connect is an AngularJS app that talks to a JSON API. Are there any open source projects or working code snippets that show how to use the API?

I am specifically interested in managing external testers, not automating the upload of builds to iTunes Connect.

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algal Avatar asked Apr 21 '15 18:04


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What is iTunes Connect used for?

iTunes Connect is your home base for managing your account and content. It houses the tools, guides, and reports you'll need while working with Apple Books.

How do I add testers to Apple connect?

To add an internal tester, head to the Users and Access section in App Store Connect. For this example, use your own email address. If you were adding other internal testers, you'd use their email addresses and they would carry out the steps of accepting an invitation. Click the + button to add a new user.

What is Apple API?

Overview. The Sign in with Apple REST API is a web service that connects you to Apple's authentication servers. Use this service to generate and validate the identity tokens used to verify a user's identity. To sign in from a web app or other platform, like Android, use Sign in with Apple JS.

1 Answers

For everything non-sales related, you might want to check out the unoffical documentation of the iTunes Connect JSON API: https://github.com/fastlane/itc-api-docs

please read also : There's no API for iTunes connect, the only way you can access the information is through the web or with a program that scrapes the web pages. If you want to create something in Objective-C, download AppSales from github, it's an iPhone app which downloads financial reports from ITC (or maybe itts). You can download it and install it on your iPhone if you have an Apple developer account. You can look through their code and see how they scrape the daily and weekly reports (hint: it's ugly).


Note that if you try to create an iPhone app to do this, Apple will reject it. It breaks the rule about "No public API". Other people have tried this and been rejected.

If you're just looking for software to do this on your computer, I'd highly recommend AppViz


Here's a nice post which compares these and more apps:


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Barak Kedem Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 14:10

Barak Kedem