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Is it possible to submit a new testflight version while another version is in the review queue?

An app I'm working on has version 1.0.1 in waiting for review. We submitted a build of version 1.0.2 using application loader with the intent of making it available as a prerelease build for testers while 1.0.1 is in the queue. An hour or two later we received an email saying that version 1.0.1 had been developer rejected.

Is there some way to have a version in the review queue, while our testers test the next version as a prerelease build via testflight beta distribution?

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Greg Avatar asked Oct 28 '14 15:10


People also ask

How long does TestFlight waiting for review take?

Waiting for review means that apple team will review your app before allowing you to submit on TestFlight for public testing. It will take around 24~48 hours for them to review your app. After if your app is approved, you can submit on TestFlight and create public link for anyone with the link as tester.

How do I release a new version of TestFlight?

Step 1: Click on prepare for submission. Step 2: Scroll down and go to builds section and click on "select your build". Step 3: Select your build from the list of builds you have uploaded on test flight.

Can I upload lower version to TestFlight?

If you upload your builds to TestFlight, you can install older builds for testing. When you open the TestFlight app, you'll see the most recent version and a link to other versions. You can install any available version, but only one version at a time can be installed on a single device.

How long is TestFlight review?

Approval usually takes no more than 48 hours. Once Apple approves your version of the app, subsequent builds won't need a review until you change the version number. When the app has passed Beta App Review, you'll receive an email with confirmation that your app can begin external testing.

1 Answers

This is possible. You can upload new builds of, say, 1.0.2 to iTunes Connect and test them via TestFlight while version 1.0.1 is "waiting for review".

I did that with my app. I uploaded all the builds with Xcode, if that makes a difference.

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Dirk Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 11:10
