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Missing In-App-Purchase section in iTunes Connect

I have an app in prepare for submission state. I also have in app purchase items for this app. Last week I linked them to my app and submitted it for review. During the weekend a developer rejected it. Now I'd like to resubmit the fixed build but the IAP section is completely missing. How do I make it visible again?

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Coli88 Avatar asked Oct 10 '16 16:10


2 Answers

In-app purchases section in "App Store" tab visible only if you have atleast one in-app purchase with status "Ready to submit".

You will NOT see In-app purchases section in "App Store" tab while single/all purchase item/s in "Waiting for Review" status. They should be "Ready to Submit".

Simply do NOT press "Submit for Review" button from "Features" tab.

Just attach your purchase item/s from "App Store" tab and submit binary.

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Dimas Antonchenko Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10

Dimas Antonchenko

Quoting the answer from one of the comments above

What tripped me up: the "In App Purchases" section is missing completely if you don't have any IAPs in the "Ready to Submit" state; and the state doesn't become "Ready to Submit" until you add "the screenshot for review purposes." – Brett Apr 2 '17 at 20:17

In addition, the "In App Purchases" section only appears before submitting the app for review. One it is "Waiting For Review", the section does not show up. In the ongoing updates of the app, new IAP will be submitted under the tab Features > In-App Purchases.

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Harry Ng Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10

Harry Ng