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Itunesconnect remove tvOS version

I just want to submit the iOS build to App Store. But I press wrong button to create the tvOS. I cannot remove the tvOS version. I search lots of reference also not work.

enter image description here

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Wong Manlok Avatar asked Apr 27 '18 09:04

Wong Manlok

3 Answers

You can remove you tvOS Version , Just drag the mouse over that version (-) sign will appear to remove.

enter image description here

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Nauman Malik Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10

Nauman Malik

enter image description here

Still work but it's a bit buggy, not always appears.

If not, reload the page or click on other section ("information of app", "Rating and comments", ...)

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Xav Mac Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 01:10

Xav Mac

You must need to have admin access to be able to delete the tvOS App version

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manuelsantos Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10
