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Is it possible to have stack allocated arrays with the size determined at runtime in Rust?



Is there an equivalent of alloca to create variable length arrays in Rust?

I'm looking for the equivalent of the following C99 code:

void go(int n) {     int array[n];     // ... } 
like image 983
Dogbert Avatar asked Jan 09 '15 11:01


People also ask

What is the best way to allocate an array of elements?

The general recommendation is boxing, e.g. Box< [i32]>. But while boxing works fine enough for smaller arrays, the problem is that the array being boxed has to first be allocated on the stack. So if the array is too large (say 10 million elements), you will - even with boxing - get a stack overflow (one is unlikely to have a stack that large).

How does GCC allocate an array on stack?

Note that this is different from malloc and new. gcc allocates the array on the stack, just like it does with int array [100] by just adjusting the stack pointer. No heap allocation is done. It's pretty much like _alloca. I came across this same scenario in a file in our code base that was written months ago.

What is the best way to allocate an array on heap?

There are several questions already on Stack Overflow about allocating an array (say [i32]) on the heap. The general recommendation is boxing, e.g. Box< [i32]>. But while boxing works fine enough for smaller arrays, the problem is that the array being boxed has to first be allocated on the stack.

Does C99 support variable sized arrays on the stack?

C99 standard supports variable sized arrays on the stack. Probably your compiler has chosen to support this construct too. Note that this is different from malloc and new. gcc allocates the array on the stack, just like it does with int array [100] by just adjusting the stack pointer. No heap allocation is done. It's pretty much like _alloca.

2 Answers

It is not possible directly, as in there is not direct syntax in the language supporting it.

That being said, this particular feature of C99 is debatable, it has certain advantages (cache locality & bypassing malloc) but it also has disadvantages (easy to blow-up the stack, stumps a number of optimizations, may turn static offsets into dynamic offsets, ...).

For now, I would advise you to use Vec instead. If you have performance issues, then you may look into the so-called "Small Vector Optimization". I have regularly seen the following pattern in C code where performance is required:

SomeType array[64] = {}; SomeType* pointer, *dynamic_pointer; if (n <= 64) {     pointer = array; } else {     pointer = dynamic_pointer = malloc(sizeof(SomeType) * n); }  // ...  if (dynamic_pointer) { free(dynamic_pointer); } 

Now, this is something that Rust supports easily (and better, in a way):

enum InlineVector<T, const N: usize> {     Inline(usize, [T; N]),     Dynamic(Vec<T>), } 

You can see an example simplistic implementation below.

What matters, however, is that you now have a type which:

  • uses the stack when less than N elements are required
  • moves off to the heap otherwise, to avoid blowing up the stack

Of course, it also always reserves enough space for N elements on the stack even if you only use 2; however in exchange there is no call to alloca so you avoid the issue of having dynamic offsets to your variants.

And contrary to C, you still benefit from lifetime tracking so that you cannot accidentally return a reference to your stack-allocated array outside the function.

Note: prior to Rust 1.51, you wouldn't be able to customize by N.

I will show off the most "obvious" methods:

enum SmallVector<T, const N: usize> {     Inline(usize, [T; N]),     Dynamic(Vec<T>), }  impl<T: Copy + Clone, const N: usize> SmallVector<T, N> {     fn new(v: T, n: usize) -> Self {         if n <= N {             Self::Inline(n, [v; N])         } else {             Self::Dynamic(vec![v; n])         }     } }  impl<T, const N: usize> SmallVector<T, N> {     fn as_slice(&self) -> &[T] {         match self {             Self::Inline(n, array) => &array[0..*n],             Self::Dynamic(vec) => vec,         }     }      fn as_mut_slice(&mut self) -> &mut [T] {         match self {             Self::Inline(n, array) => &mut array[0..*n],             Self::Dynamic(vec) => vec,         }     } }  use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};  impl<T, const N: usize> Deref for SmallVector<T, N> {     type Target = [T];      fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {         self.as_slice()     } }  impl<T, const N: usize> DerefMut for SmallVector<T, N> {     fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {         self.as_mut_slice()     } } 


fn main() {     let mut v = SmallVector::new(1u32, 4);     v[2] = 3;     println!("{}: {}", v.len(), v[2]) } 

Which prints 4: 3 as expected.

like image 100
Matthieu M. Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 16:09

Matthieu M.


Doing that in Rust would entail the ability to store Dynamically Sized Types (DSTs) like [i32] on the stack, which the language doesn't support.

A deeper reason is that LLVM, to my knowledge, doesn't really support this. I'm given to believe that you can do it, but it significantly interferes with optimisations. As such, I'm not aware of any near-terms plans to allow this.

like image 23
DK. Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 17:09