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Why is using return as the last statement in a function considered bad style?



I was reading through the Rust documentation and came across the following example and statement

Using a return as the last line of a function works, but is considered poor style:

fn foo(x: i32) -> i32 {     if x < 5 { return x; }      return x + 1; } 

I know I could have written the above as

fn foo(x: i32) -> i32 {     if x < 5 { return x; }      x + 1 } 

but I am more tempted to write the former, as that is more intuitive. I do understand that the function return value should be used as an expression so the later works but then why wouldn't the former be encouraged?

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Abhijit Avatar asked Jan 15 '15 10:01


People also ask

Is return the last statement in a function?

A return statement ends the execution of a function, and returns control to the calling function. Execution resumes in the calling function at the point immediately following the call. A return statement can return a value to the calling function.

Why should we write return at end of function?

In a really simple form, it's useful if you want a function to return something, i.e. process it and pass something back. Without a return, you'd just be performing a function with a dead end.

Which functions should not use a return statement?

In lieu of a data type, void functions use the keyword "void." A void function performs a task, and then control returns back to the caller--but, it does not return a value. You may or may not use the return statement, as there is no return value.

Why return statement is not necessary when function is called by reference?

For a function of return type void , a return statement is not strictly necessary. If the end of such a function is reached without encountering a return statement, control is passed to the caller as if a return statement without an expression were encountered.

2 Answers

It just is.

Conventions don’t need to have particularly good reasons, they just need to be generally accepted conventions. As it happens, this one does have a comparatively good reason—it’s shorter as you don’t have the return and ;. You may think that return x + 1; is more intuitive, but I disagree strongly—it really grates and I feel a compelling need to fix it. I say this as one who, before starting using Rust, had never used an expression-oriented language before. While writing Python, return x + 1 in that place looks right, while writing Rust it looks wrong.

Now as it happens, that code should probably be written thus instead:

fn foo(x: i32) -> i32 {     if x < 5 {         x     } else {         x + 1     } } 

This emphasises the expression orientation of the language.

like image 181
Chris Morgan Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 16:09

Chris Morgan

Copied from reddit: Why isn't the syntax of return statements explicit?

Answer from @pcwalton

Explicit return is really annoying in closures. For example, it was a major pain in JavaScript before ES6 arrow functions were introduced

myArray.map(function(x) { return x * 2; }) 

is gratuitously verbose, even without the function keyword. Once you have implicit returns somewhere in your language, you might as well have them everywhere for consistency's sake. The fact that it makes code less verbose is just an added bonus.

and from @mozilla_kmc

Rust is an expression-oriented language. A block has the form

{     stmt;     stmt;     ...     stmt;     expr } 

The statements are (basically) expressions or let bindings, and the trailing expression is implicitly () if not specified. The value of the whole block is the value of this last expression.

This is not just for functions. You can write

let foo = if x { y } else { z }; 

so if also takes the place of C's ?: operator. Every kind of block works the same way:

let result = unsafe {     let y = mem::transmute(x);     y.frob() }; 

So the implicit return at the end of a function is a natural consequence of Rust's expression-oriented syntax. The improved ergonomics are just a nice bonus :)

Puzzle: return x itself is an expression -- what is its value?

Answer (suggested by @dubiousjim):

It is a never type !.

like image 29
mja Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09
