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What is the syntax to match on a reference to an enum?



It seems like every introductory document for Rust's enum types explains how to match on an enum object that you own, but what if you do not own the enum object and you just have a reference to it that you want to match against? I don't know what the syntax would be.

Here is some code where I attempt to match on a reference to an enum:

use std::fmt; use std::io::prelude::*;  pub enum Animal {     Cat(String),     Dog, }  impl fmt::Display for Animal {     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {         match self {             Animal::Cat(c) => f.write_str("c"),             Animal::Dog => f.write_str("d"),         }     } }  fn main() {     let p: Animal = Animal::Cat("whiskers".to_owned());     println!("{}", p); } 

The Rust Playground gives errors on the first two cases of the match when trying to compile it:

error[E0308]: mismatched types   --> src/main.rs:12:13    | 12 |             Animal::Cat(c) => f.write_str("c"),    |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected &Animal, found enum `Animal`    |    = note: expected type `&Animal`    = note:    found type `Animal`  error[E0308]: mismatched types   --> src/main.rs:13:13    | 13 |             Animal::Dog => f.write_str("d"),    |             ^^^^^^^^^^^ expected &Animal, found enum `Animal`    |    = note: expected type `&Animal`    = note:    found type `Animal` 

How can I change that code to get it to compile? I tried adding ampersands in lots of different places without any luck. Is it even possible to match on a reference to an enum?

like image 491
David Grayson Avatar asked Apr 13 '16 06:04

David Grayson

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1 Answers

Edit: Please see Shepmaster's answer for the latest idiom

The idiomatic way would be

match *self {     Animal::Cat(ref c) => f.write_str("c"),     Animal::Dog => f.write_str("d"), } 

You can use _ instead of ref c to silence the "unused" warning.

like image 89
WiSaGaN Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 23:10