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How to link C++ program with Boost using CMake





People also ask

How do I add a Boost to CMake project?

For CMake, you need to add boost_program_options to the list of libraries, and IIRC this is done via SET(liblist boost_program_options) in your CMakeLists. txt .

Can I build Boost with CMake?

One of my current projects relies on Boost. Python, which requires a more recent version of Boost (1.64) than the one (1.54) provided by my Linux distribution (Ubuntu 14.04).

What is Boost C++?

Boost is a set of libraries for the C++ programming language that provides support for tasks and structures such as linear algebra, pseudorandom number generation, multithreading, image processing, regular expressions, and unit testing. It contains 164 individual libraries (as of version 1.76).

In CMake you could use find_package to find libraries you need. There usually is a FindBoost.cmake along with your CMake installation.

As far as I remember, it will be installed to /usr/share/cmake/Modules/ along with other find-scripts for common libraries. You could just check the documentation in that file for more information about how it works.

An example out of my head:

FIND_PACKAGE( Boost 1.40 COMPONENTS program_options REQUIRED )

ADD_EXECUTABLE( anyExecutable myMain.cpp )


I hope this code helps.

  • Here's the official documentation about FindBoost.cmake.
  • And the actual FindBoost.cmake (hosted on GitHub)

The following is my configuration:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
set(Boost_INCLUDE_DIR /usr/local/src/boost_1_46_1)
set(Boost_LIBRARY_DIR /usr/local/src/boost_1_46_1/stage/lib)
find_package(Boost COMPONENTS system filesystem REQUIRED)

add_executable(main main.cpp)
target_link_libraries( main ${Boost_LIBRARIES} )

Adapting @MOnsDaR answer for modern CMake syntax with imported targets, this would be:

find_package(Boost 1.40 COMPONENTS program_options REQUIRED)

add_executable(anyExecutable myMain.cpp)

target_link_libraries(anyExecutable Boost::program_options)

Note that it is not necessary to specify the include directories manually, since it is already taken care of through the imported target Boost::program_options.

Two ways, using system default install path, usually /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/:

find_package(Boost REQUIRED regex date_time system filesystem thread graph)
message("boost lib: ${Boost_LIBRARIES}")
message("boost inc:${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR}")

add_executable(use_boost use_boost.cpp)

If you install Boost in a local directory or choose local install instead of system install, you can do it by this:

set( BOOST_ROOT "/home/xy/boost_install/lib/" CACHE PATH "Boost library path" )
set( Boost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS on CACHE BOOL "Do not search system for Boost" )

find_package(Boost REQUIRED regex date_time system filesystem thread graph)
message("boost lib: ${Boost_LIBRARIES}, inc:${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR}")

add_executable(use_boost use_boost.cpp)

Note the above dir /home/xy/boost_install/lib/ is where I install Boost:

xy@xy:~/boost_install/lib$ ll -th
total 16K
drwxrwxr-x 2 xy xy 4.0K May 28 19:23 lib/
drwxrwxr-x 3 xy xy 4.0K May 28 19:22 include/

xy@xy:~/boost_install/lib$ ll -th lib/
total 57M
drwxrwxr-x 2 xy xy 4.0K May 28 19:23 ./
-rw-rw-r-- 1 xy xy 2.3M May 28 19:23 libboost_test_exec_monitor.a
-rw-rw-r-- 1 xy xy 2.2M May 28 19:23 libboost_unit_test_framework.a

xy@xy:~/boost_install/lib$ ll -th include/
total 20K
drwxrwxr-x 110 xy xy  12K May 28 19:22 boost/

If you are interested in how to use a local installed Boost, you can see this question How can I get CMake to find my alternative Boost installation?.

Here is my take:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15)

project(TryOuts LANGUAGES CXX)

find_package(Boost QUIET REQUIRED COMPONENTS program_options)

if(NOT Boost_FOUND)
    message(FATAL_ERROR "Boost Not found")

add_executable(helloworld main.cpp)

target_link_libraries(helloworld PUBLIC Boost::program_options)