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Generating UML from C++ code? [closed]




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Can you generate UML from code?

Umbrello is a free software tool that supports a code import feature that automatically generates UML Class diagrams from your imported code. Umbrello supports up to 20 languages between C, C++, Python, Javascript and Java.

Is UML outdated?

The UML—which involves the process of creating and visualizing entire systems and how they interact with each other—is considered to be antiquated.

Here are a few options:

Step-by-Step Guide to Reverse Engineering Code into UML Diagrams with Microsoft Visio 2000 - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa140255(office.10).aspx

BoUML - http://bouml.fr/features.html

StarUML - http://staruml.sourceforge.net/en/

Reverse engineering of the UML class diagram from C++ code in presence of weakly typed containers (2001) - http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=

Umbrello UML Modeller - http://uml.sourceforge.net/

A list of other tools to look at - http://plg.uwaterloo.ca/~migod/uml.html

If its just diagrams that you want, doxygen does a pretty good job.

I've developed a tool called Doxygraph which can parse the XML generated by Doxygen and turn it into an interactive UML class diagram which you can view in a web browser or import into any software that can read Graphviz "dot" files.

I believe Enterprise Architect can do that.