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How can one turn regular quotes (i.e. ', ") into LaTeX/TeX quotes (i.e. `', ``'')

Given a document written with normal quotes, e.g.

Ben said "buttons, dear sir".
I replied "Did you say 'buttons'?" to him.

What ways can one turn these sort of things into LaTeX quotes, with the appropriate semantics. i.e.

Ben said ``buttons, dear sir''.
I replied ``Did you say `buttons'?'' to him.

So that LaTeX produces:

Ben said “buttons, dear sir”.
I replied “Did you say ‘buttons’?”

My first thought is to turn to a regex. However, I'm not getting any hits from Google or the regex libraries for "LaTeX quotes regular expression", and of course "TeX quotes regular expression" seems to return too many.

Thank you.

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Brian M. Hunt Avatar asked Dec 06 '08 18:12

Brian M. Hunt

4 Answers

In general, this problem is harder than it looks.

The simplest cases can be treated with regular expressions, but for more general situations you will almost certainly need to build a recursive parser: regular expression will only work if there is no nesting.

The big problem is going to be associated with identifying single "'"s that are not paired---as is contractions (the "'" in "don't" should not be changed, and should not be paired).

Lets see if we can write a usable EBNF description:

input:       text+
text:        uquote|squote|dquote
squote       "'" text "'"
dquote       """ text """
uquote:      [contraction|.]+
contraction: [A-Za-z]+ "'" [A-Za-z]+

which is limited to contractions that have the "'" in the middle of the word. All the associated action will just echo the input, except that the squote and dquote terms replace the quotes as appropriate.

I used regular expressions followed by human fix-ups for a fairly simple one-off, but that would be labor intensive for on-going work.

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dmckee --- ex-moderator kitten Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 10:11

dmckee --- ex-moderator kitten

Here is the python regex that I use for my Latex documents:

'([ \w-]+)'", " `\\1'

There is a python script that applies the regex on a latex file (here). Works most of the time. Happy typesetting! :)

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N0thing Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 10:11


Here are some Perl regular expression substitutions that might be good enough for what you want to do.


The code assumes that a single or double quote followed by an alphanumeric character begins a quote. Also, it assumes that a double quote following an alphanumeric character or punctuation mark ends a quote. These assumptions are probably true most of the time but there may be exceptions.

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John D. Cook Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 08:11

John D. Cook

Thanks for the input - helpful and appreciated.

I've also come across this, from CPAN's Latex::Encode.pm:

    # A single or double quote before a word character, preceded
    # by start of line, whitespace or punctuation gets converted
    # to "`" or "``" respectively.

    $text =~ s{ ( ^ | [\s\p{IsPunct}] )( ['"] ) (?= \w ) }
              { $2 eq '"' ? "$1``" : "$1`" }mgxe;

    # A double quote preceded by a word or punctuation character
    # and followed by whitespace or end of line gets converted to
    # "''".  (Final single quotes are represented by themselves so
    # we don't need to worry about those.)

    $text =~ s{ (?<= [\w\p{IsPunct}] ) " (?= \s | $ ) }
              { "''" }mgxe
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Brian M. Hunt Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 09:11

Brian M. Hunt