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Replace all character matches that are not escaped with backslash

I am using regex to replace ( in other regexes (or regexs?) with (?: to turn them into non-matching groups. My expression assumes that no (?X structures are used and looks like this:

  [^\\]     - Not backslash character
  |^        - Or string beginning
  [\(]      - a bracket

Unfortunatelly this doesn't work in case that there are two matches next to each other, like in this case: how((\s+can|\s+do)(\s+i)?)?

image description

With lookbehinds, the solution is easy:


But javascript doesn't support lookbehinds, so what can I do? My searches didn't bring any easy universal lookbehind alternative.

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Tomáš Zato - Reinstate Monica Avatar asked Jul 31 '15 20:07

Tomáš Zato - Reinstate Monica

People also ask

Do you need to escape ampersand in regex?

Thanks. @RandomCoder_01 actually, no escapes are needed. & is not a special regex character, so no need to escape it.

How to escape in regex pattern?

The \ is known as the escape code, which restore the original literal meaning of the following character. Similarly, * , + , ? (occurrence indicators), ^ , $ (position anchors) have special meaning in regex. You need to use an escape code to match with these characters.

How to escape in regex in c#?

\ Is also an escape character for string literals in c# so the first \ is escaping the second \ being passed to the method and the second one is escaping the . in the regex. Use: if (Regex.

How do you replace a single slash in Java?

Replacing a Single Backslash( \ ) With a Double Backslash( \\ ) Using the replaceAll() Method. This is another solution that you can use to replace the backslashes. Here, we used the replaceAll() method that works fine and returns a new String object.

2 Answers

Use lookbehind through reversal:

function revStr(str) {
    return str.split('').reverse().join('');

var rx = /[(](?=[^\\]|$)/g;
var subst = ":?(";

var data = "how((\\s+can|\\s+do)(\\s+i)?)?";
var res = revStr(revStr(data).replace(rx, subst)); 
document.getElementById("res").value = res;
<input id="res" />

Note that the regex pattern is also reversed so that we could use a look-ahead instead of a look-behind, and the substitution string is reversed, too. It becomes too tricky with longer regexps, but in this case, it is still not that unreadable.

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Wiktor Stribiżew Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 01:10

Wiktor Stribiżew

One option is to do a two-pass replacement, with a token (I like unicode for this, as it's unlikely to appear elsewhere):

var s = 'how((\\s+can|\\s+do)(\\s+i)?)?';
var token = "\u1234";
// Look for the character preceding the ( you want
// to replace. We'll add the token after it.
var patt1 = /([^\\])(?=\()/g;
// The second pattern looks for the token and the (.
// We'll replace both with the desired string.
var patt2 = new RegExp(token + '\\(', 'g');

s = s.replace(patt1, "$1" + token).replace(patt2, "(?:");



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nrabinowitz Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 02:10
