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Get spamassassin to drop emails containing a specific REGEX in attached filenames

newbie asking first question :)

I'm running a mail server (Ubuntu/Postfix/Dovecot) with SpamAssassin. Most of the known spam is flagged (RBLs, and obvious UCE) except for this particular malspam in attached zip files like "order_info_654321.zip", "paymet_document_123456.zip", and so on, when it doesn't fit any other SA rules. I'd like to procure a rule which drops the matching offenders into oblivion.

After fiddling with regex101.com, I've come up with an expression that matches these patterns exclusively:


Question is... How to format it all, get it to work, and where to put it? So far, I edited /etc/spamassassin/local.cf, added this to the bottom, and restarted:

mimeheader TROJAN_ATTACHED Content-Type =~ /\w+[_][0-9]{6}.zip$/img
describe ZIP_ATTACHED email contains a zip trojan attachment

But it doesn't seem to do the magic. Where else can I look for this?

Thank you all, Keijo.-

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Keijo D Putt Avatar asked Mar 16 '16 20:03

Keijo D Putt

People also ask

How does SpamAssassin work?

SpamAssassin uses a points-based system called “hits” to label spam. When it finds particular characteristics in an email it assigns a point value. These 'characteristics' can include everything from words and topics commonly found in spam emails, to malicious code, and even custom values you set yourself.

How many messages does SpamAssassin's Bayesian filter need to process before it can start scoring mail?

They default to 200 each; until 200 ham and 200 spam messages have been learned, the SpamAssassin rules that rely on the Bayesian classifier will not be applied to email.

What is a good SpamAssassin score?

Any score below 5.0 means that an email is good enough to avoid spam filters. Scores above 5.0, though, suggest that an email is likely to get stuck somewhere on the way to an inbox and, as a result, never arrive. In reality, engineers can set the SpamAssassin value to any other value.

2 Answers

First up, SA doesn't drop e-mails by default, but it can score them so high on spam content that they don't show up to anyone's inbox. Second, the "ingredients" I started with were incorrect, plus messed up with SA ability to function at all.

This actually did the trick when added into/etc/spamassassin/local.cf:

full TROJAN_ZIPUNDS /\w*[_][\d]{1,6}\.zip/img
describe TROJAN_ZIPUNDS RM zip attached trojan underscore

Even though these spammers altered from zip to rar, to underscores to dashes, different filenames, and so on, creating rules to counter them became simple after succeeding with the first one. Here's what I added too:

full TROJAN_RARDASH /\w*[-][\d]{1,6}\.rar/img
describe TROJAN_RARDASH RM rar attached trojan dash

Also, as first described, I needed to specifically block certain zip file names which soon morphed to rar and dashes, so, morphing the regex and appending as a rule triad to spamassassin's local.cf (and restarting) is currently holding, until next spam wave :-)

Finally, this is a very very blunt workaround, so anyone with expertise on the subject is more than welcome to chime in.

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Keijo D Putt Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 16:10

Keijo D Putt

You have a wrong regex. You do not need a $ char at the end, because filename strings are not necessarily at the end of the Content-Type header. Instead, you can use a word boundary \b anchor. In my rules, I have the following, and it perfectly works:

mimeheader MIME_FAIL   Content-Type =~ /\.(ade|adp|bat|chm|cmd|com|cpl|exe|hta|ins|isp|jse|lib|lnk|mde|msc|msp|mst|pif|scr|sct|shb|sys|vb|vbe|vbs|vxd|wsc|wsf|wsh|reg)\b/i
describe   MIME_FAIL   Blacklisted file extension detected
score      MIME_FAIL   5
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El cero Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 16:10

El cero