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In an Atom package, how do I overllap patterns in a grammar?

I want to go further and style more things. For example I will like to style the following:

setting1 = 4
setting2 =

I will like to style everything to the left of the = blue and everything to the right purple.

The problem is that atom regex engine does not support negative look ahead or positive look ahead. As a result, I have tried using the begin and end directives but that still does not work. In other words I have tried:

  # section reference
  'begin': '^\\s*.*?=' # match a line that contains an = sign
  'end': '.+$' # continue until the end of the line
  'match': '^\\s*[^=]*'  #only match everything that is not an equal sign 
  'name': 'blue' #style it with the blue style

So basically, I need it to look like this:

enter image description here

Any ideas?

like image 980
Tono Nam Avatar asked Aug 19 '16 02:08

Tono Nam

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1 Answers

I came up with this solution: (reules.cson)

'scopeName': 'source.conf'
'name': 'CONF'
'fileTypes': ['CONF']
'patterns': [     
    # equality
    'match': '(?x) ^ ([^=;]+) (=)  (.+?)\\n'
      '1' :
        'name' : 'blue'
      '2' :
        'name' : 'yellow'
      '3' :
        'name' : 'purple'


You can style every capture differently.

like image 133
Tono Nam Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 02:09

Tono Nam