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how do you parse a sysmon file to extract certain information using R?

I am trying to read bunch of this type of files using R to parse out the information and put the data in a data frame like format:

this is the contents of the file:

    last_run                        current_run                     seconds     
 ------------------------------- ------------------------------- ----------- 
             Jul  4 2016  7:17AM             Jul  4 2016  7:21AM         226 

Engine Utilization (Tick %)   User Busy   System Busy    I/O Busy        Idle
  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
  ThreadPool : syb_default_pool                                                 
   Engine 0                         5.0 %         0.4 %      22.4 %      72.1 % 
   Engine 1                         3.9 %         0.5 %      22.8 %      72.8 % 
   Engine 2                         5.6 %         0.3 %      22.5 %      71.6 % 
   Engine 3                         5.1 %         0.4 %      22.7 %      71.8 % 

     -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
  Pool Summary        Total       336.1 %        25.6 %    1834.6 %    5803.8 % 
                    Average         4.2 %         0.3 %      22.9 %      72.5 % 

  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
  Server Summary      Total       336.1 %        25.6 %    1834.6 %    5803.8 % 
                    Average         4.2 %         0.3 %      22.9 %      72.5 % 

Transaction Profile

  Transaction Summary             per sec      per xact       count  % of total
  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
    Committed Xacts                 137.3           n/a       41198     n/a     

     Average Runnable Tasks            1 min         5 min      15 min  % of total
  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
  ThreadPool : syb_default_pool                                                 
   Global Queue                       0.0           0.0         0.0       0.0 %
   Engine 0                           0.0           0.1         0.1       0.6 %
   Engine 1                           0.0           0.0         0.0       0.0 %
   Engine 2                           0.2           0.1         0.1       2.6 %

  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------             
  Pool Summary        Total           7.2           5.9         6.1             
                    Average           0.1           0.1         0.1             

  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------             
  Server Summary      Total           7.2           5.9         6.1             
                    Average           0.1           0.1         0.1 

Device Activity Detail

    datadev_125                   per sec      per xact       count  % of total
  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
  Total I/Os                          0.0           0.0           0       n/a   
  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
  Total I/Os                          0.0           0.0           0       0.0 %


    datadev_126                   per sec      per xact       count  % of total
  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
  Total I/Os                          0.0           0.0           0       n/a   
  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
  Total I/Os                          0.0           0.0           0       0.0 %


    datadev_127                   per sec      per xact       count  % of total
  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
      APF                             0.0           0.0           5       0.4 %
      Non-APF                         0.0           0.0           1       0.1 %
    Writes                            3.8           0.0        1128      99.5 %
  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
  Total I/Os                          3.8           0.0        1134       0.1 %

  Mirror Semaphore Granted            3.8           0.0        1134     100.0 %
  Mirror Semaphore Waited             0.0           0.0           0       0.0 %


    GPS_datadev_000               per sec      per xact       count  % of total
  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
      APF                             7.9           0.0        2372      55.9 %
      Non-APF                         5.5           0.0        1635      38.6 %
    Writes                            0.8           0.0         233       5.5 %
  -------------------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
  Total I/Os                         14.1           0.0        4240       0.3 %

  Mirror Semaphore Granted           14.1           0.0        4239     100.0 %
  Mirror Semaphore Waited             0.0           0.0           2       0.0 %

I need to capture "Jul 4 2016 7:21AM" as Date, from "Engine Utilization (Tick%) line, Server Summary ->Average "4.2%"

From "Transaction Profile" section ->Transaction Profile "count" entry.

so, my data frame should look something like this:

Date                     Cpu   Count
Jul  4 2016  7:21AM      4.2   41198 

Can somebody help me how to parse this file to get these output?

I have tried something like this:

read.table(text=readLines("file.txt")[count.fields("file.txt", blank.lines.skip=FALSE) == 9])

to get this line:

Average         4.2 %         0.3 %      22.9 %      72.5 % 

But I want to be able to only extract Average right after

Engine Utilization (Tick %), since there could be many lines that start with Average. The Average line that shows up right after Engine Utilization (Tick %), is the one I want.

How do I put that in this line to extract this information from this file:

read.table(text=readLines("file.txt")[count.fields("file.txt", blank.lines.skip=FALSE) == 9])

Can I use grep in this read.table line to search for certain characters?

like image 509
user1471980 Avatar asked Aug 03 '16 20:08


2 Answers

%%%% Shot 1 -- got something working

extract <- function(filenam="file.txt"){
    txt <- readLines(filenam)

    ## date of current run:
    ## assumed to be on 2nd line following the first line matching "current_run"
    ii <- 2 + grep("current_run",txt, fixed=TRUE)[1]
    line_current_run <- Filter(function(v) v!="", strsplit(txt[ii]," ")[[1]])
    date_current_run <- paste(line_current_run[5:8], collapse=" ")

    ## Cpu:
    ## assumed to be on line following the first line matching "Server Summary"
    ## which comes after the first line matching "Engine Utilization ..."
    jj <- grep("Engine Utilization (Tick %)", txt, fixed=TRUE)[1]
    ii <- grep("Server Summary",txt, fixed=TRUE)
    ii <- 1 + min(ii[ii>jj])
    line_Cpu <- Filter(function(v) v!="", strsplit(txt[ii]," ")[[1]])
    Cpu <- line_Cpu[2]

    ## Count:
    ## assumed to be on 2nd line following the first line matching "Transaction Summary"
    ii <- 2 + grep("Transaction Summary",txt, fixed=TRUE)[1]
    line_count <- Filter(function(v) v!="", strsplit(txt[ii]," ")[[1]])
    count <- line_count[5]

    data.frame(Date=date_current_run, Cpu=Cpu, Count=count, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)


##file.list <- dir("./")
file.list <- rep("file.txt",3)
merged <- do.call("rbind", lapply(file.list, extract))


file.list <- rep("file.txt",2000)
print(system.time(merged <- do.call("rbind", lapply(file.list, extract))))
## runs in about 2.5 secs on my laptop

%%% Shot 2: 1st attempt to extract a (potentially variable) number of device columns

extractv2 <- function(filenam="file2.txt"){
    txt <- readLines(filenam)

    ## date of current run:
    ## assumed to be on 2nd line following the first line matching "current_run"
    ii <- 2 + grep("current_run",txt, fixed=TRUE)[1]
    line_current_run <- Filter(function(v) v!="", strsplit(txt[ii]," ")[[1]])
    date_current_run <- paste(line_current_run[5:8], collapse=" ")

    ## Cpu:
    ## assumed to be on line following the first line matching "Server Summary"
    ## which comes after the first line matching "Engine Utilization ..."
    jj <- grep("Engine Utilization (Tick %)", txt, fixed=TRUE)[1]
    ii <- grep("Server Summary",txt, fixed=TRUE)
    ii <- 1 + min(ii[ii>jj])
    line_Cpu <- Filter(function(v) v!="", strsplit(txt[ii]," ")[[1]])
    Cpu <- line_Cpu[2]

    ## Count:
    ## assumed to be on 2nd line following the first line matching "Transaction Summary"
    ii <- 2 + grep("Transaction Summary",txt, fixed=TRUE)[1]
    line_count <- Filter(function(v) v!="", strsplit(txt[ii]," ")[[1]])
    count <- line_count[5]

    ## Total I/Os
    ## 1. Each line "Device:" is assumed to be the header of a block of lines
    ##    containing info about a single device (there are 4 such blocks
    ##    in your example);
    ## 2. each block is assumed to contain one or more lines matching
    ##    "Total I/Os";
    ## 3. the relevant count data is assumed to be contained in the last
    ##    of such lines (at column 4), for each block.
    ## Approach: loop on the line numbers of those lines matching "Device:"
    ## to get: A. counts; B. device names
    ii_block_dev <- grep("Device:", txt, fixed=TRUE)
    ii_lines_IOs <- grep("Total I/Os", txt, fixed=TRUE)
    nblocks <- length(ii_block_dev)
    ## A. get counts for each device
    ## for each block, select *last* line matching "Total I/Os"
    ii_block_dev_aux <- c(ii_block_dev, Inf) ## just a hack to get a clean code
    ii_lines_IOs_dev <- sapply(1:nblocks, function(block){
        ## select matching liens to "Total I/Os" within each block
        IOs_per_block <- ii_lines_IOs[ ii_lines_IOs > ii_block_dev_aux[block  ] &
                                       ii_lines_IOs < ii_block_dev_aux[block+1]
        tail(IOs_per_block, 1) ## get the last line of each block (if more than one match)
    lines_IOs <- lapply(txt[ii_lines_IOs_dev], function(strng){
        Filter(function(v) v!="", strsplit(strng," ")[[1]])
    IOs_counts <- sapply(lines_IOs, function(v) v[5])
    ## B. get device names:
    ## assumed to be on lines following each "Device:" match
    ii_devices <- 1 + ii_block_dev
    device_names <- sapply(ii_devices, function(ii){
        Filter(function(v) v!="", strsplit(txt[ii]," ")[[1]])
    ## Create a data.frame with "device_names" as column names and "IOs_counts" as
    ## the values of a single row.
    ## Sorting the device names by order() will help produce the same column names
    ## if different sysmon files list the devices in different order
    ord <- order(device_names)
    devices <- as.data.frame(structure(as.list(IOs_counts[ord]), names=device_names[ord]),
                             check.names=FALSE) ## Prevent R from messing with our device names

    data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE, check.names=FALSE,
               Date=date_current_run, Cpu=Cpu, Count=count, devices)

## merging will ONLY work if all devices have the same names across sysmon files!!
file.list <- rep("file2.txt",3)
merged <- do.call("rbind", lapply(file.list, extractv2))

%%%%%%% Shot 3: extract two tables, one with a single row, and a second with a variable number of rows (depending on the which devices are listed in each sysmon file).

extractv3 <- function(filenam="file2.txt"){
    txt <- readLines(filenam)

    ## date of current run:
    ## assumed to be on 2nd line following the first line matching "current_run"
    ii <- 2 + grep("current_run",txt, fixed=TRUE)[1]
    line_current_run <- Filter(function(v) v!="", strsplit(txt[ii]," ")[[1]])
    date_current_run <- paste(line_current_run[5:8], collapse=" ")

    ## Cpu:
    ## assumed to be on line following the first line matching "Server Summary"
    ## which comes after the first line matching "Engine Utilization ..."
    jj <- grep("Engine Utilization (Tick %)", txt, fixed=TRUE)[1]
    ii <- grep("Server Summary",txt, fixed=TRUE)
    ii <- 1 + min(ii[ii>jj])
    line_Cpu <- Filter(function(v) v!="", strsplit(txt[ii]," ")[[1]])
    Cpu <- line_Cpu[2]

    ## Count:
    ## assumed to be on 2nd line following the first line matching "Transaction Summary"
    ii <- 2 + grep("Transaction Summary",txt, fixed=TRUE)[1]
    line_count <- Filter(function(v) v!="", strsplit(txt[ii]," ")[[1]])
    count <- line_count[5]

    ## first part of output: fixed three-column structure
    fixed <-  data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
                         Date=date_current_run, Cpu=Cpu, Count=count)

    ## Total I/Os
    ## 1. Each line "Device:" is assumed to be the header of a block of lines
    ##    containing info about a single device (there are 4 such blocks
    ##    in your example);
    ## 2. each block is assumed to contain one or more lines matching
    ##    "Total I/Os";
    ## 3. the relevant count data is assumed to be contained in the last
    ##    of such lines (at column 4), for each block.
    ## Approach: loop on the line numbers of those lines matching "Device:"
    ## to get: A. counts; B. device names
    ii_block_dev <- grep("Device:", txt, fixed=TRUE)
        variable <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
                               device_names=NA, IOs_counts=NA)
        ii_lines_IOs <- grep("Total I/Os", txt, fixed=TRUE)
        nblocks <- length(ii_block_dev)
            sprintf("WEIRD datapoint at date %s: I have %d devices but 0 I/O lines??")
        ## A. get counts for each device
        ## for each block, select *last* line matching "Total I/Os"
        ii_block_dev_aux <- c(ii_block_dev, Inf) ## just a hack to get a clean code
        ii_lines_IOs_dev <- sapply(1:nblocks, function(block){
            ## select matching lines to "Total I/Os" within each block
            IOs_per_block <- ii_lines_IOs[ ii_lines_IOs > ii_block_dev_aux[block  ] &
                                           ii_lines_IOs < ii_block_dev_aux[block+1]
            tail(IOs_per_block, 1) ## get the last line of each block (if more than one match)
        lines_IOs <- lapply(txt[ii_lines_IOs_dev], function(strng){
            Filter(function(v) v!="", strsplit(strng," ")[[1]])
        IOs_counts <- sapply(lines_IOs, function(v) v[5])
        ## B. get device names:
        ## assumed to be on lines following each "Device:" match
        ii_devices <- 1 + ii_block_dev
        device_names <- sapply(ii_devices, function(ii){
            Filter(function(v) v!="", strsplit(txt[ii]," ")[[1]])
        ## Create a data.frame with three columns: date, device, counts
        variable <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
                               date_current_run=rep(date_current_run, length(IOs_counts)),
                               device_names=device_names, IOs_counts=IOs_counts)
    list(fixed=fixed, variable=variable)

file.list <- c("file.txt","file2.txt","file3.txt")
res <- lapply(file.list, extractv3)

fixed.merged <- do.call("rbind", lapply(res, function(r) r$fixed))

variable.merged <- do.call("rbind", lapply(res, function(r) r$variable))
like image 140
renato vitolo Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 23:10

renato vitolo

Manipulating text files can sometimes be easier using dedicated programs. E.g. gawk is specifically designed for finding patterns in text files and outputting data from them. We can use a short gawk script to get the required data to load into R. Note, each line of the script consists of a pattern to look for, followed by an action to take enclosed in{}. NR is a counter that counts number of lines read so far.

BEGIN                          {OFS = ""; ORS = ""}
/current_run/                  {dat_line = NR+2; cpu_done = 0}
/Server Summary/               {cpu_line = NR+1}
/Transaction Summary/          {cnt_line = NR+2}
NR == dat_line                 {print "'",$5," ",$6," ",$7," ",$8,"' "}
NR == cpu_line && cpu_done==0  {print $2," "; cpu_done = 1}
NR == cnt_line                 {print $5,"\n"}

Save this script with the name "ext.awk", then extract all the data files into an R data frame (assuming they are all located in one folder and have the extension .txt) with

df <- read.table(text=system("gawk -f ext.awk *.txt", T), col.names = c("Date","Cpu","Count"))

NB, gawk comes ready installed on most Linux versions. On windows you may need to install it from http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/gawk.htm

like image 40
dww Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 23:10
