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Regex for matching indented continuation lines




Need match key = value pairs in arbitrary text using the following rules.

  • the leading line has a structure:
    • start with indentation - "two spaces or tab" at leas once, e.g.: ( |\t)+
    • the + character and one space
    • words VAR or CONST
    • and the key and value using the = character


  + VAR somename = somevalue (indented with two spaces)
        + VAR name3 = indented by one \t

The following regex matches such lines:

/^(  |\t)+\+\s+(VAR|CONST)\s+(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)$/

Now the problem: The syntax allows continuation lines, e.g. when the above line is followed by the line which starts at least one indentation sequence ( |\t) (aka TWO spaces or one tab) is considered as an continuation line and its whole content (with leading spaces too) should be the value for the key in previous line.


  + VAR multi = 3 line value where the continuation lines
  are indented (starts with two spaces or one tab)
  and NOT followed by the '+'

e.g., the regex for the continuation line is

/^(  |\t)+([^\+](.*))$/

The solution is easy with line based approach, e.g. when I split the whole text into lines and processes it line-by-line.

But, I looking for an (complex) regex (mainly for learning and benchmarking purposes) which could match the key=value pairs in one line or multiline form. Tried this:

while( $text =~ m/^(  |\t)+\+\s+(VAR|CONST)\s+(\w+)\s*=\s*((.*)$(?=(  |\t)+[^\+](.*)$)*)/gm ) {

but I got:

(?=(  |\t)+[^\+](.*)$)* matches null string many times in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/^(  |\t)+\+\s+(VAR|CONST)\s+(\w+)\s*=\s*((.*)$(?=(  |\t)+[^\+](.*)$)* <-- HERE )/ at so line 36.

Side question: how to use the multi-line extended regexes, like:

   ^(  |\t)+      # <- space ... :(

when the regex must contain exactly the SPACE character (e.g. can't use the universal \s)?

If someone want help, here is a code which produces the wanted output (using the line-based approach) and also the non-working regex-based solution.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.014;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;

my $txt = do { local $/; <DATA> };

my @matches1 = parse_by_lines($txt // '');
mydump('BY LINES', @matches1);

my @matches2 = parse_by_one_regex($txt // '');
mydump('REGEX', @matches2);

sub parse_by_lines { #produces the wanted output
    my ($text) = @_;
    my @match;
    my $havekey;
    for my $line (split "\n", $text) {
        if( $line =~ m/^(  |\t)+\+\s+(VAR|CONST)\s+(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)$/ ) {
            push @match, { indent => $1, type => $2, key => $3, val => $4 };
        elsif( $havekey && $line =~ m/^(  |\t)+([^\+](.*))$/ ) {    #continuation line
            $match[-1]->{val} .= "\n$line"; #prserve the \n in the val
        else {
            $havekey = 0;
    return @match;

sub parse_by_one_regex { #not working
    my ($text) = @_;
    my @match;
    while( $text =~ m/^(  |\t)+\+\s+(VAR|CONST)\s+(\w+)\s*=\s*((.*)$(?=(  |\t)+[^\+](.*)$)*)/gm ) {
        push @match, { indent => $1, type => $2, key => $3, val => $4 };
    return @match;

sub mydump {
    my($label, @match) = @_;
    say "#### $label ####";
    for my $m ( @match ) {
        printf "%-6s: [%s]\n", $_, $m->{$_} for (qw(indent type key val));
        print "\n";

some arbitrary text lines
or empty lines

    could be indented
  and could contain any character

  + VAR name1 = var indented by two spaces and the first nonspace character is '+'
line of arbitrary text
    + VAR name2 = var indented by 2x2 spaces

    + VAR name3 = var indented by one \t
  + VAR name4 = the next line with "name5" is not valid. missing the = character, should not be matched
  + VAR name5
  + CONST name6 = the type could be VAR or CONST

  + VAR multi1 = multiline value where the continuation lines
  are indented (starts with two spaces or one tab) and NOT followed by the '+'

  + VAR multi1 = multiline value

  + VAR multi1 = multiline value
     indented ok too

  + VAR single = this is single line
  + because this line even if it is indented, the first nonspace character is '+'

  + VAR multi2 = multiline
  could be
        any way
  and any number of times
  until the first non-indented line

the following should NOT match

+ VAR some = sould not be matched, because the line isn't indented
 + VAR some = sould not be matched, because the line isn't indented at least with TWO spaces or one tab
  + SOME name = value not matched because the SOME isn't VAR or CONST

EDIT: using the accepted answer, and adding the wanted capture groups, got the following:

    while( $text =~ /
            (?m)            # multiline match
            ^               # at the start of the line
            ([ ]{2}|\t)+    # two spaces or tab - at least once
            \+              # the '+' character
            \s*             # followed by any number of spaces (e.g. "+VAR" or "+    VAR" are valid)
            (VAR|CONST)     # the VAR or CONST
            \s+             # followed at least one space (e.g. the "VAR_" should not matched)
            (\w+)           # the keyword
            \s*=\s*         # the '=' surrounded (and consumed) by any number of spaces
            (               # capture the whole value (as it is)
                    .*                      # any string up to end of line
                    (?:                     # followed by (non-capturing group)
                            \R              # one line-break
                            ^               # at the start of the line
                            (?>[ ]{2,}|\t+) # atomic group - at least two spaces or at least one tab
                            [^+]            # followed by any character but '+'
                            .*              # any string up the end of line
                    )*              # any number of times (e.g. optionally)
    /xg) {
            push @match, { indent => $1, type => $2, key => $3, val => $4 };

EDIT2 And yes, the regex based solution is 34% faster (at least on my HW).

like image 778
cajwine Avatar asked Sep 16 '16 10:09


1 Answers


(?m)^(?:  +|\t+)\+ *(?:VAR|CONST) *\w+ *=.*(?:\R^(?>  +|\t+)[^+\s].*)*

Live demo

The important part is last cluster:

(?:                # Start of non-capturing group (a)
    \R             # One line-break
    ^              # Start of line
    (?>  +|\t+)    # At least two spaces or one tab character (possessively)
    [^+\s]         # Not followed by `+` or a newline character
    .*             # Up to end of line
)*                 # Repeat it as much as possible - end of non-capturing group (a)

Answer to your second question:

Literal space characters are simply ignored as a meaningful part of Regular Expression while x modifier is set unless you enclose it in character classes [ ] and use quantifiers [ ]{2,} to express times they should appear.

        [ ]{2,}
    [ ]*
    [ ]*\w+[ ]*=.*
            [ ]{2,}

Live demo

like image 54
revo Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 06:11
