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Hidden Features of Visual Studio (2005-2010)?

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Is Visual Studio 2005 still supported?

In line with our support policy, starting April 12th 2016 Microsoft will no longer provide security updates, technical support, or hotfixes, for all Visual Studio 2005 products and the redistributable components and runtimes included with them, including the following products: Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition.

How do I debug in Visual Studio 2005?

If you are inside of Visual Studio with an open project, you can use the Debug menu to get started. The “Start” and “Step Into” commands will both launch your application and begin a debugging session. A second option is to use the “Attach to Process…” command on the Debug menu.

Make a selection with ALT pressed - selects a square of text instead of whole lines.


Put a breakpoint on a line of code. Bring up the Breakpoints Window and right click on the new breakpoint. Select 'When Hit...'. By ticking the 'Print a message' check box Visual Studio will print out a message to the Debug Output every time the line of code is executed, rather than (or as well as) breaking on it. You can also get it to execute a macro as it passes the line.

You can drag code to the ToolBox. Try it!

Click an identifier (class name, variable, etc) then hit F12 for "Go To Definition". I'm always amazed how many people I watch code use the slower right-click -> "Go To Definition" method.

EDIT: Then you can use Ctrl+- to jump back to where you were.

CTRL+SHIFT+V will cycle through your clipboard, Visual Studio keeps a history of copies.

Sara Ford covers lots of lovely tips: http://blogs.msdn.com/saraford/archive/tags/Visual+Studio+2008+Tip+of+the+Day/default.aspx

But some of my favourites are Code Snippets, Ctrl + . to add a using <Namespace> or generate a method stub. I can't live without that.

Check out a great list in the Visual Studio 2008 C# Keybinding poster: http://www.microsoft.com/downloadS/details.aspx?familyid=E5F902A8-5BB5-4CC6-907E-472809749973&displaylang=en


Reformat Document!
This is under the VB keybindings, not sure about C#