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Disabling highlighting of current line in the Visual Studio editor

Is there a simple way to disable this highlighting?

Tools -> Options -> Text Editor, in the Display group, uncheck "Highlight current line"

Which parameter in Fonts and Colors dialog controls the background color of the currently selected line in the editor?

The colors are named "Highlight Current Line (Active)" and "Highlight Current Line (Inactive)"

To disable the border around the current line

In VS 2019

Go to : Environment -> Fonts and Colors:

Find the display item: Highlight Current Line

Set the item foreground color to: Automatic

In VS 2017 and earlier

Go to : Tools -> Options -> Text Editor:

Find the display items:

  • Highlight Current Line (Active)
  • Highlight Current Line (Inactive)

Set the item foreground color to: Automatic

if its visual code make

"editor.renderLineHighlight": "none"

If you're using Resharper, it's:

Tools -> Options -> Text Editor:

  ReSharper Current Line Highlight

The Visual Studio editor highlights the current line by changing the background color of the current line.

The only time I've seen this is when "Use Windows High Contrast settings" is enabled (Options > Environment > General)

enter image description here

enter image description here

With this setting disabled, I just get a subtle grey box to indicate the current line (this may depend on your Color Theme):

enter image description here