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Where is the 'Tests Output Pane'?

People also ask

Where is the test output pane?

The Output panel displays a record of log messages recorded by Test Studio throughout runtime. These include build errors that occur when a project is compiled. Its default location is in the middle bottom pane.

How do I display the output code in Visual Studio?

To display the Output window whenever you build a project, in the Options dialog box, on the Projects and Solutions > General page, select Show Output window when build starts.

Where is the test detail summary in Visual Studio?

You just need to hover your mouse at the bottom of Test Explorer and drag it up. You can see Test Details summary below of your test regardless of Run or Debug mode.

In the output window there is combobox "show output from". Choose Tests as shown here

The message really should be this

Unexpected error detected. Check the Output Window for details which can be found in the Show output from: section. Then select the Tests drop down to read the actual error.

Why the Confusion?

For the Tests window is, buried, in the output window. That window acts as the main window that shows the textual Build information; and hides the test result info in another dropdown.

So in the OutputWindow select Tests after a run.

enter image description here

Go to the view tab at the top of your screen, and select output.

VS view output

If you're looking for the actual issue, for me it was:

vstest.discoveryengine.exe and vstest.executionengine.exe

Open up Task Manager, go to Processes tab, right-click and End Process. Restart Visual Studio.

For me killing vstest.console.exe and vstest.discoveryengine.exe processes did the trick. No need to restart visual studio.