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Visual Studio warning: "Some of the properties associated with the solution could not be read"

When I open my solution, I get a dialog with this warning. The solution (one web app, one class project) builds without errors.

How can I determine what properties are causing the problem, and resolve the error?

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chris Avatar asked May 31 '11 16:05


3 Answers

I just fixed a similar issue with a VS2010 solution with 35 projects... The cause was a duplicated


section in the solution file. I closed the solution, removed the duplicate GlobalSection(TeamFoundationVersionControl) config and reloaded the solution and the warning message was gone.

If this is not the issue for you, considering you only have 2 projects I would ditch the busted solution file, create a fresh solution and re-add your two projects...

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Boycs Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 18:11


The best solution is to force the VS to regenerate the configs. To do this:

  1. Open the sln file with a text editor.
  2. Scroll down till you reach the last "EndProject" element.
  3. Delete everything after that.
  4. Save, Close and rebuild the solution and everything will be regenerated.
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Saber Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 18:11


Seems like there is a number of reasons for this warning. I was getting it because my solution file SccNumberOfProjects = 4 when there was only 3.

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bicbmx Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 20:11
