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How to disable JavaScript build error in Visual Studio 2017?

People also ask

How do I disable JavaScript debugging in Visual Studio?

You can go to Tools > Options > Debugging > General > and then in the right part almost like in the middle of the scroll you'll find the option to enable or disable JavaScript debugging.

How do I stop dynamic debugging in Visual Studio?

Go into Tools -> Options then navigate into Projects and Solutions -> Web Projects and uncheck the option Stop debugger when browser window is closed.

Can we use JavaScript in Visual Studio 2019?

Visual Studio 2019 provides rich support for JavaScript development, both using JavaScript directly, and also using the TypeScript programming language, which was developed to provide a more productive and enjoyable JavaScript development experience, especially when developing projects at scale.

I think, find the solution:

  1. Open Tools > Options
  2. Navigate to Text Editor > JavaScript/TypeScript > EsLint (in VS2017 15.8 it is Linting not EsLint)
  3. Set Enable ESLint to False

Disable ESlint

Visual Studio >= 15.8.5 Disable ESlint Visual Studio 15.8.5

In Visual Studio 2017 (v 15.8.0):

Option 1: Options > JS Errors

  1. Open Tools > Options
  2. Navigate to Text Editor > JavaScript/TypeScript > Code Validation
  3. Set Enable JavaScript errors to false
  4. or, set Enable JavaScript errors to true and Show errors as warnings to true

I needed to restart Visual Studio for this to take effect.

Options > JS Errors

Option 2: Options > Linting

There is another option below which will let you edit your global linting settings:

Options > JS Linting

Option 3: .eslint file

You can also create a file named .eslintrc in the root of your project.

Option 4: ESLint commands in-file

See @user9153924's answer


  • ESLint file syntax
  • ESLint Rules

I tried Mohammad`s solution but it didn't work. I managed to work doing the following:

  1. Righ click on your web .csproj file
  2. On the first <PropertyGroup> add the following entry: <TypeScriptCompileBlocked>true</TypeScriptCompileBlocked>

Add /*eslint eqeqeq: ["error", "smart"]*/ to the first line of your Javascript code to remove the errors. https://eslint.org/docs/rules/eqeqeq

Following Mohammad's solution will turn off ESLint for syntax checking. This works in VS2015 and should work in later versions.

For Visual Studio 2019.

enter image description here

  1. Open Tools > Options
  2. Navigate to Text Editor > JavaScript/TypeScript
  3. => Linting > General.

Then unchecked ESLint check box. Please The bellow Image for reference.

enter image description here