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Get Current Area Name in View or Controller

How do you get the current area name in the view or controller?

Is there anything like ViewContext.RouteData.Values["controller"] for areas?

like image 752
user202448 Avatar asked Apr 27 '10 17:04


People also ask

How do you access the variable of the controller in the view?

OK, the simple answer is, you need to know the . Net type being returned from your query when you set the scrap variable in your controller. Whatever that type is, that's what type your @model needs to be. Either that, or use the ViewBag --but again, without IntelliSense support since it's a dynamic .

How do I return specific view on a controller?

To return a view from the controller action method, we can use View() method by passing respective parameters. return View(“ViewName”) – returns the view name specified in the current view folder (view extension name “. cshtml” is not required. return View("~/Views/Account/Register.

1 Answers

From MVC2 onwards you can use ViewContext.RouteData.DataTokens["area"]

like image 100
artvolk Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 21:09
