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converting a .net Func<T> to a .net Expression<Func<T>>

Ooh, it's not easy at all. Func<T> represents a generic delegate and not an expression. If there's any way you could do so (due to optimizations and other things done by the compiler, some data might be thrown away, so it might be impossible to get the original expression back), it'd be disassembling the IL on the fly and inferring the expression (which is by no means easy). Treating lambda expressions as data (Expression<Func<T>>) is a magic done by the compiler (basically the compiler builds an expression tree in code instead of compiling it to IL).

Related fact

This is why languages that push lambdas to the extreme (like Lisp) are often easier to implement as interpreters. In those languages, code and data are essentially the same thing (even at run time), but our chip cannot understand that form of code, so we have to emulate such a machine by building an interpreter on top of it that understands it (the choice made by Lisp like languages) or sacrificing the power (code will no longer be exactly equal to data) to some extent (the choice made by C#). In C#, the compiler gives the illusion of treating code as data by allowing lambdas to be interpreted as code (Func<T>) and data (Expression<Func<T>>) at compile time.

    private static Expression<Func<T, bool>> FuncToExpression<T>(Func<T, bool> f)  
        return x => f(x);  

What you probably should do, is turn the method around. Take in an Expression>, and compile and run. If it fails, you already have the Expression to look into.

public void ContainTheDanger(Expression<Func<T>> dangerousCall)
    catch (Exception e)
        // This next line does not work...
        var nameOfDanger = 
        throw new DangerContainer(
            "Danger manifested while " + nameOfDanger, e);

public void SomewhereElse()
    ContainTheDanger(() => thing.CrossTheStreams());

Obviously you need to consider the performance implications of this, and determine if it is something that you really need to do.

NJection.LambdaConverter is a library that converts a delegate to an expression

public class Program
    private static void Main(string[] args) {
       var lambda = Lambda.TransformMethodTo<Func<string, int>>()
                          .From(() => Parse)
    public static int Parse(string value) {
       return int.Parse(value)