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Emacs markdown-mode error on preview: "bin / bash: markdown: command not found"

I am using emacs 24 on fedora 17. I installed markdown-mode, but whenever I try to export a file by typing C-c C-c m or C-c C-c p in emacs, I got this error:

/bin/bash: markdown: command not found

Screenshot of emacs' markdown error message

I read that this is probably an issue with the path variable, so I compared the env variable by typing $ env at the command line and Esc-! env RET in emacs. I found the path variable description is the same in both cases.

What is this error? How can I fix it and execute markdown previews from within emacs?

like image 859
Txe Llenne Avatar asked Jan 09 '13 08:01

Txe Llenne

2 Answers

Install any markdown generating tool as you like, for example pandoc.

Then add the following line to your .emacs file:

(custom-set-variables  '(markdown-command "/usr/local/bin/pandoc")) 
like image 123
Kai Zhang Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 21:10

Kai Zhang

This error occurs when you do not have a markdown parser installed. Installing one is simple with brew. From the command line:

brew install markdown

This should result in something like:

==> Downloading http://daringfireball.net/projects/downloads/Markdown_1.0.1.zip ######################################################################## 100.0%   /usr/local/Cellar/markdown/1.0.1: 2 files, 40K, built in 2 seconds 

Before running that command, I had the same error you did. After running that command, which installs a markdown parser on your system, the emacs commands C-c C-c m and C-c C-c p worked as expected by opening an HTML version of my markdown file in either another buffer or the browser, respectively.

like image 41
Dave Liepmann Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 21:10

Dave Liepmann