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Recommendations of static site generator which accepts Markdown documents? [closed]

I'm looking for static site generator which accepts Markdown documents as input source code. I used Markdoc, but it looks abandoned. And it doesn't copy static file in source document folder. So I'm installing docpad now. Anyway I want to try other implementations. Can you recommend some nice implementation like that site generator?

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eonil Avatar asked Jan 10 '12 08:01


People also ask

What is the most popular static site generator?

Jekyll is one of the most popular open-source static website generators — and with good reason. It's the software that powers GitHub Pages, which offers free hosting for static sites.

When would you use a static site generator?

A static site generator can be used along with a framework for a developer to rapidly get a fully designed website or application ready for use. Most static site generators allow developers to use any framework they want.

Do people still use Jekyll?

Its growth has not been as fast as a few other, newer SSGs in recent years, but it remains a very popular choice. Jekyll was created to simplify website hosting and infrastructure management, mostly by getting rid of it. It replaced the need for a database with files that can be put under version control.

2 Answers

http://staticsitegenerators.net is a crowd-sourced definitive listing of all the static site generators, their github stars, their website, their language, created and updated dates, etc.

+1 for DocPad, I've found Jekyll to be quite crippling with it's lack of extensibility (not enough markups supported, difficult to filter documents in content listings based on certain criteria, hard to write extensions, etc...)

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balupton Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 03:09


You can also take a look at nanoc, which is Ruby based and actively being developed, too.

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acme Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 03:09
