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How to include two pictures side by side in Markdown for IPython Notebook (Jupyter)?

People also ask

What does %% do in Jupyter Notebook?

Both ! and % allow you to run shell commands from a Jupyter notebook. % is provided by the IPython kernel and allows you to run "magic commands", many of which include well-known shell commands. ! , provided by Jupyter, allows shell commands to be run within cells.

How do I display an image in IPython notebook?

When using GenomeDiagram with Jupyter (iPython), the easiest way to display images is by converting the GenomeDiagram to a PNG image. This can be wrapped using an IPython. display. Image object to make it display in the notebook.

What is %% capture in Jupyter?

Capturing Output With %%capture IPython has a cell magic, %%capture , which captures the stdout/stderr of a cell. With this magic you can discard these streams or store them in a variable.

How do you add a markdown in a Jupyter Notebook?

You can add the markdown cells in the jupyter notebook from the drop-down list as follows: You can also add the markdown option by using the keyboard shortcut 'm/M' immediately after adding a new cell.

You can create tables using pipes and dashes like this.

A | B
- | - 
![alt](yourimg1.jpg) | ![alt](yourimg2.jpg)

see Tables syntax

I don't have enough reputation to add comments, so I'll just put my 2 cents as a separate answer. I also found that JMann's solution didn't work, but if you wrap his implementation with table tags:

<td> <img src="Nordic_trails.jpg" alt="Drawing" style="width: 250px;"/> </td>
<td> <img src="Nordic_trails.jpg" alt="Drawing" style="width: 250px;"/> </td>

then it works.

JMann's solution didn't work for me. But this one worked

from IPython.display import HTML, display
display(HTML("<table><tr><td><img src='img1'></td><td><img src='img2'></td></tr></table>"))

I took the idea from this notebook

I found the following works in a Markdown cell:

    <td> <img src="Nordic_trails.jpg" alt="Drawing" style="width: 250px;"/> </td>
    <td> <img src="Nordic_trails.jpg" alt="Drawing" style="width: 250px;"/> </td>

Table of pictures :

|![alt](pathToImage1.jpg) |![alt](pathToImage2.jpg)|
|![alt](pathToImage3.jpg) | ![alt](pathToImage4.jpg)
|![alt](pathToImage5.jpg) | ![alt](pathToImage6.jpg)

View :

alt alt
alt alt
alt alt

  <p align="center" style="padding: 10px">
    <img alt="Forwarding" src="images/IMG_20201012_183152_(2).jpg" width="320">
    <em style="color: grey">Forwarding (Anahtarlama)</em>
  <p align="center">
    <img alt="Routing" src="images/IMG_20201012_183158_(2).jpg" width="515">
    <em style="color: grey">Routing (yönlendirme)</em>

enter image description here