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Does Slack support Markdown tables?

I want to send a Markdown table to Slack with its postMessage API, but I got raw content in Slack instead of a rendered table. Does Slack support Markdown tables? Ir is there any other way to present tabular data in Slack? I know Slack doesn't support HTML.

I tried chat.postMessage and files.upload, also formatting text with fixed column length but it looks kind of ugly, so I am figuring out a way to make it look better.

Here is my HTTP request code, content-type is JSON:

url : https://slack.com/api/chat.postMessage body : {     "channel": "RKAID4I",     "text": " | Tables  | Are   | Cool  | |---------- |:-------------:    |------:    | | col 1 is  | left-aligned  | $1600     | | col 2 is  | centered  | $12   | | col 3 is  | right-aligned     | $1    |"  } 

I was expect table like format, but the actual output is exactly as what I sent. Is it because my Markdown message is wrong or Slack simply doesn't support Markdown tables?

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cece2048 Avatar asked Apr 23 '19 17:04


People also ask

Can you put tables in Slack?

Slack has no built-in support to render tables in messages. Your workaround options are: Draw table with chars in the message using a monospace font (Example)

Can you do Markdown in Slack?

Slack is a popular team messaging and collaboration application that supports a subset of the Markdown syntax. Different parts of the interface provide different levels of Markdown support.

How do I create a code block in Slack?

From your desktop, click the plus icon next to the message field. Search for and select Create a text snippet from the menu. Enter a title if you'd like, then choose a file type from the drop-down menu. Type or paste your snippet in the Content field.

2 Answers

No, in fact, Slack doesn't support Markdown in messages¹ at all. It uses its own similar-at-a-glance format called mrkdwn which has some notable differences with Markdown:

  • In Markdown, both * and _ are used for emphasis
  • In Markdown, both ** and __ are used for bold
  • In mrkdwn * is used for bold and _ is used for emphasis
  • Markdown has no syntax for strikethrough (though some implementations have added it, e.g. in GFM which uses ~~) but mrkdwn uses ~ for strikethrough
  • Link syntax is very different
  • mrkdwn doesn't support headings
  • Probably more

Don't expect arbitrary Markdown² to work in Slack messages.

¹Slack does support Markdown in posts which can be created using the files.upload API endpoint setting filetype to post.

²Note that tables aren't supported in regular Markdown either. Like strikethrough, some implementations have added these.

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Chris Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 22:09


Slack does not support rendering of tables so this markup will not work.

You have two alternatives:

  • You can use fields, which will be rendered as 2 columns on most devices. See fields in layout blocks.
  • You can convert your table into an image (outside Slack) and
    attach the image to your message.
like image 20
Erik Kalkoken Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 22:09

Erik Kalkoken